Chapter Five ~The Race~

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I sat in Toms car, flying down the street. Tom spoke to Bill in german on the phone. He hung up and turned his head to me. "Okay Layla this is your first race so of course, there are rules. Don't embarrass me and stay by me at all times, there will be a lot of drunk people here." Tom explains. I nodded my head and went back to day dreaming out of the window. I want to leave here I don't belong.

Pulling up to the race you can see people on all sorts of stuff, just like Tom had said. I looked around and saw people shooting heroin, doing coke, smoking weed, doing e, drinking, everything. I was scared I have never been around hard drugs before.

"Tom do I have to get out?" I said in a small, shaky voice. "Yes baby girl but don't worry i can protect you" He said with pride, again I don't want to take any comfort or protection from Tom but I have nobody else. They don't let me Minako or Alicia near each other that often. Raya said that should change as time goes on.

Me and Tom stepped out of the car and immediately a cheer erupted from the drugged-up crowd. People were taking many pictures of us. I hid kind of behind Tom not wanting to be in any of the pictures, and large crowds made me nervous. Tom held my hand the whole time we had to be outside of the car giving me small, reassuring squeezes every once in a while.

Finally after a million girls talking to Tom and a million pictures being taken, it was time to race. Tom sat in the drivers seat with pure adrenaline in his eyes. "Are you nervous?" I questioned him. "Not at all princess. I always win" He said with a cocky smile on his face. For some reason it felt like that sentence had some sort of double meaning under it.

Pulling up to the starting line there were four other cars, Bills was one of them and the others were randoms who were eager to get the chance to race again the most popular racing gang in Japan, Tokio Hotel. The small Japanese women in the sluttiest outfit possibly stood in between the front of the cars. She counted down 3, 2, 1 with her finger and slashed the checkered flag through the air. Tom slammed his foot on the accelerator. Immediately my heart rate sped up, but not in a bad way.

Speeding through the underground garage Tom let the Bill pass him with the other cars far behind. "Tom he's going to beat you!" I pointed out, "no he's not"  Tom said with confidence. Just as bill was edging up to the finishing like Tom sped up and passed him. Tom let out a loud laugh and pulled back up to the crowd.

"I beat you again brother" Tom said walking up to bill

"shut up Tom" Bill rolled his eyes. Tom just laughed like a little kid.

I saw Minako get out of Bills car and my heart stopped. I hadn't realized how much I had missed my friends until now. I walked over to tom and whispered in his ear, "Can I please talk to Minako?" "Yes you can and good job asking my love" He said kissing me on the forehead. My heart skipped a beat when he did this. I was falling for Tom and I hated it.

I ran over to Mina and wrapped my arms around her in a hug. "I missed you so much! Where Ali and Raya?"

"I missed you more Lay and they are over by those cars with Gustav and Georg."

"Oh. Minako we haven't had any time to talk a group, You Ali and I. Every time I try Toms stupid ass is standing right by me. This is all so crazy I cannot believe we are here."

"I know me too. Tom is insane, Im scared for you Layla. I learned a lot from Bill and Raya. Ali learned from Georg too, but you should ask her about that. Bill told me that Tom is the reason for this and everyone is scared of him, even Bill is. Tom can get really aggressive really quickly."

I watched Minako talk and the fear dance in her eyes and facial expressions as she explained what bill said to her. "Trust me I know. I try not to let him disrespect me too much, but im scared he will kill me. Thats why I usually follow his stupid rules while we are out. Has Bill hurt you at all?"

"Not really." Minako cut off mid sentence and looked down at her feet. I was confused for a second but realized what was going on when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. Tom was behind me, Im hoping he didn't hear anything or  I would pay for it later.

Tom whispered something in Laylas ear, she waved at me and walked away. I looked down at the floor imaging all the possible thing he could have said to her. My thought were interrupted by Bill lifting my head so my eyes looked into his. Bills touch was so gentle all the time, he cared and you can tell. "Its our time babe, lets go" He smiled at me and opened the door. Bill was so sweet, and I loved him.

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