13. Warm Feelings

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Ashima felt so warm she never wanted to move. She had been at least slightly cold the entire time she'd been on this planet. Feeling comfortable and cozy for once was a welcome relief. So, still not very conscious from her deep sleep, she snuggled further into the warmth, letting out a long, content moan while her hands caressed the source of warmth in front of her.

All too quickly her brain jolted awake and it registered that her hands were touching bare skin, tensing against it. She moved her head back just enough to look and see she was pressed firmly against Kietnan's lavender chest. The rest of her waking up, she now realized his arms were circled around her, her head was laying on the spot where his right shoulder met his chest, and his left leg was over top of her thigh. She was frozen in place, both from their position and from the shock from it.

How did we end up like this?

What should I do?

Kietnan is a cuddler?!

Her heart began to race. Her eyes looked at the large chest in front of her, noticing the light scar from a few nights ago. Both from the memory of their position then and their current position now, she blushed furiously and felt her skin warm even further. She became hyper aware of everywhere their bodies touched, along with the fact that she could feel his breath on her hair. 

She must be absolutely crazy. This man was a different species, topped with the fact that they couldn't communicate and he was still practically a stranger. But as he stirred slightly, pulling her closer to him and a low sound radiating from his chest, Ashima could not deny her reactions to the alien. She was physically attracted to him.

She should push away and free herself, her mind told her. Never go near him again. This was bad and would only ever end badly for her if she didn't squash these feelings deep inside now before it was too late.

But her body didn't move.


An hour later Ashima fiddled with the hem of the shirt she was wearing and kept her eyes pretty much anywhere other than on the alien across the tent from her. Today she was wearing the clothing Kietnan had bought for her on their way home after walking through the wilderness and finding the flowers. She had been alternating between them and her own, thankful for an alternate so she could wash. Unfortunately, she's had to go commando while washing and drying her underwear since he hadn't thought to bring her any of those. She slept in the thin clothing that was provided to her in the medical tent.

"Shima." Kietnan stated.

She tensed but hoped her face showed neutral as she turned to look at him. He had a satchel packed and was putting on his socks.

"Are you going somewhere?" She said in alarm as she took a small step toward him. On the days he'd been gone for hours he had never taken a bag with him. Her heart lurched at the thought of him going on an overnight trip. She was truly becoming pathetic, she thought to herself but quickly squashed it. What else am I supposed to do? I have to rely on him.

"Shima." He repeated. "Deit. Boot." He pointed at her feet. 

Her head tilted curiously. "Boot?"

He nodded.

She reached for his boots, assuming he was asking her to bring them to him.

"No." He shook his head. "Shima Boot."

"My boots?" Her brows furrowed in confusion. Finished with his socks, he stood and came to where she was standing, picking up her boots and handing them to her before grabbing her coveralls.

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