46. Another Foe?

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"I've changed my mind." Kietnan said to Kahal as they stood on his balcony watching the last remaining colors of the sunrise.

"No, too late for that. You're going."

"Yeah?" Kietnan turned to face Kahal. "How do you plan on forcing me?"

"I'll tie you to a chair if I have to." He shrugged. "This will be good for you."

"You keep forcing me to do things against my will and saying it's good for me."

"Because I'm right. And I'm trying to take care of my brother."

The door to Kietnan's study opened and his two other brothers walked in, followed by their father.

"Hello, son."

"Father." Kietnan said, keeping his eyes on his chest instead of looking him in the eye. He had given in and spoken with him the night before. An uncomfortable conversation, but Kietnan did feel a small amount of weight off his shoulders afterward. Not that he would ever admit that to Kahal or his father.

"We are long overdue for a men's day." Japheth cleared his throat.

"The Gaudir is this evening." Kietnan used the opportunity as an excuse. Kahal raised a brow at him as if to say "I thought you weren't going?"

"Okay a men's morning, then. Get ready, we're going hunting."

Kietnan opened his mouth but Othen spoke first. "We have all agreed, you can't say no."

"We're all going, no arguments. You have 10 minutes to get ready." Joreth stated, crossing his arms.

Kietnan looked around the room. "You plan to stand and watch?"

They all nodded in unison. "You're not getting out of this."


Ashima had been sitting in this dark room for days, and had learned little more information. With only the light from a small, dirty skylight to help her keep track of time, she was going stir crazy.

The Aerulians had long stopped believing her ruse about taking the medicine and had simply resorted to sitting her food and water at the door twice a day. She was going mad wondering why they were keeping her here. And why they hadn't done anything yet.

She was startled to attention when the door creaked open. Yet when a familiar purple face appeared instead of the Aerulians, she opened her mouth in shock and horror.

"There she is." His evil smile made her cringe yet she stood frozen. "It's been too long, has it not? Look how healthy you are."


"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Surely you don't expect me to trust those words Zein?"

"Have I ever lied to you?" 

She thought for a moment. In all the terrible things he'd ever done to her, no he had never lied. He had always openly told her he was going to beat or torture her.

"See?." He nodded his head as he sat on a stool in the corner, next to the door. Ashima eyed the open door before glancing back at him. "Thinking of making a run for it?" He chuckled and she let out a frustrated huff. "Even if you somehow beat me to the door and have delusions of running away from me..." he turned to the door.

"Barlo!" He called out. A very large Qarthan immediately poked his head in the door. "Barlo here is here to protect you from making any mistakes, my dear." He nodded at Barlo, who then disappeared to presumably stand outside the door.

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