25. Response from the Homeland

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"Greetings Kietnan."

"Greetings Milleck. I'm here to order two of whatever breakfast you have this morning."

"You haven't gotten prepared food since we arrived at

camp." Milleck noted.

"I wanted something different and am in no mood to prepare anything myself. And while I'm here, I'll pick up that dried meat if you have it ready."

"I delivered that to your tent last night, did the girl not tell you?"

"No, she didn't mention it." He said, surprised. "But we didn't speak much after I returned, she was tired and..." his stance changed as he looked at the older woman. "Milleck."


"What exactly did you say to her last night?" He looked down at her, already feeling frustration building within him.

"Nothing that didn't need to be clear to her."

"And what exactly was that?" He asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"It's easy to see the two of you are getting along exceptionally well. I simply made sure she knew that if she cared about your well being at all, she wouldn't allow herself to get too comfortable with you."

"Milleck..." he groaned in frustration.

"You know I'm right, Kietnan. The people won't approve of your friendship, let alone anything more."

"Nothings happ- " he stopped and drew in a breath, calming himself. "Forget breakfast." He turned to leave.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to clarify some things." He said angrily as he walked out the door and down the path.


"Shima..." Kietnan whispered in shock at the sound of Ashima's loud cry. His body kicked into gear, and he sprinted towards his dwelling.

"Ki! ... Kietnan!"

"Shima!" He yelled. Panic ran through him when he heard nothing in response.

The gravel kicked up into the air as his feet pressed hard as he ran. He finally turned the corner and made the sprint towards his tent. He growled when he saw guards from the homeland standing leisurely outside of it. They turned and stood at attention as they saw him coming.

"The General is waiting inside for you."

He burst through his door, not bothering to close it.

"Where is she!" He demanded as he looked around the tent.

"Kietnan, my boy. It is so good to see you."

"Where is Shima!" He yelled. 

 "The intruder? It is on its way to the homeland, of course."

Kietnan roared and turned to run out of his tent and search for her but the guards blocked him.

"Move." He commanded through gritted teeth.

"I have questions for you, my boy." the general said from behind him. "Come and sit with me."

"Do not call me that, uncle." Kietnan growled, not turning to face him. He tried to push past the guards, and a fight ensued.

"Kietnan knocked the mail guard out with one swift elbow to the temple before the female guard held a knife to his throat.

"Kietnan, I will not ask nicely again. Come. Sit."

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