33. First Look at the Homeland

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"Where are you taking me?"

He looked down at her and the corner of his lips turned up in a smile. "To show you my home."

A few minutes later they walked out onto a large balcony and Ashima's mouth opened in a gasp. "Ki... I..." Ashima looked out over the balcony of the exterior hall Kietnan led her to, grabbing the banister. "I..."

She had spent almost 24 hours unconscious in her recovery room after surgery. From what the medical attendants described, she was guessing it was her spleen that had ruptured. Then another 24 hours in her bed simply resting and being asked countless questions. They had asked her many questions about her physiology during her stay and she had found their curiosity endearing. It reminded her of herself.

"Are you saying you have no words? That truly is remarkable."

She chuckled and glanced at him before looking back ahead of her. "I've been inside with no windows the entire time I've been here. I simply wanted some fresh air, it hadn't occurred to me..." She stared out at the view in front of her for another moment. "It is so beautiful. It's hard to believe this is the same planet." She turned and raised a brow at him. "This is the same planet, right?"

"Yes." He looked out at the lush green trees, the hills and valleys covered in green with spots of color in various patches. In the distance there were mountains and you could see a waterfall to the East. The Grand Hall itself was made of a deep olive green stone with a coating that glistened in the sun, covered in various spots with bright green vines. The large balcony they were on was lined with big potted trees and bushes. Hanging from the tree branches, there were dozens of crystals that cast colorful streaks of light along the floors and walls of the large balcony and attached walkways.

"It's amazing your plants are also green." She smiled, taking in a lungful of fresh air. "And the air is similar to ours. At least enough that I'm still alive, anyway." She shrugged. "Did I tell you that our sky is light blue instead of pink like yours?"

She looked over at Kietnan as he shook his head to see he was wearing pretty much the same thin, almost elbow sleeve top and long linen pants as he always wore at camp. He looked completely comfortable in the heat, just as he had in the cold. She was in a similar outfit as him, one that she had been provided in the medical hall. She was already sweating and could practically feel the small hairs that framed her face curling from the heat and humidity.

"Do you not feel hot or cold?"

"Hmm?" He turned to look at her.

"You can handle the extreme cold at camp, you dove into that freezing lake and swam in it like it didn't matter. And likewise you are here in this heat yet seem just as comfortable." She observed.

"Ah. Once we reach a certain part of maturity, we develop the ability to regulate our body temperature. We can handle any environment on this planet. It is actually one reason I thought you might be an adolescent when you arrived."

"An adolescent?" She laughed. "What were the other reasons?"

"Your size, obviously." He shrugged.

She playfully pushed the side of his arm as she gasped in mock offense. "I'll have you know, I'm fairly tall for a female on Earth." She smiled at him. "So exactly when and how did you determine I wasn't an adolescent?"

He shrugged. "The way you handled yourself in my dwelling. I could tell you were scared or nervous at times, but you were also strong and determined. You even stood up to me and bossed me around. Although we could not share words, I understood." He turned towards her, one arm remaining on the railing while the other lay casually at his side as he looked at her. His eyes glanced down at her body and then back up to her face before he continued, his voice low. "Over time it was easy to see the signs you were a mature female."

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