31. The Brothers Questioned

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Kahal sat quietly next to his brother. He had expected to come in and find him in a fit of rage and worry, pacing the room, fighting the urge to throw or smash things. That's how he'd been when Ashima had reacted to the rinti fruit and even worse when she'd been taken from camp.

Yet when he'd entered the waiting area near the medical rooms of the prison hall, he'd found Kietnan sitting quietly, staring at nothing in particular, his arms folded over his chest and leaning back into his chair.

"Brother." He called to him as he entered the room. When he got no response, this made Kahal more nervous than when Kietnan had been emotional and aggressive.

Kahal turned to the only other people in the room.

"Kahal." Dran addressed him as they clasped arms. "I'm glad to see you've returned safely from the trials. They were a success, I take it?"

"Greetings Dran." He turned to look at the shorter female guard and nodded. "Teluq." She nodded a greeting in return and he turned to continue speaking to his friend. "That will be a story you'll need to hear. Perhaps another time."

Dran raised a brow but then nodded. "Of course."

"Tell me what's happened. And what's going on."

Dran filled him in on Ashima's tortured state upon her arrival. Zein's demotion and the attack. "Once we left them to repair her damaged organ, we came to this room and he's been like that since." Dran glanced at his friend before turning back to the elder brother. "Something is between them, yes?" He whispered.

Kahal simply nodded. "It is easy to see how he is affected by her. Although I don't know if they've realized it yet themselves." He stated before rubbing his chin and looking at his little brother. "Tell me Dran, do you have an impression of how the Premier are viewing Ashima? What might their verdict be at this point?"

Dran opened his mouth to respond but was cut off when the door opened and in walked Japheth, Thala, Joreth, and Othen. Dran and Teluq immediately stood before their king and queen, slightly nodding their heads.

"Captain Dran, what is her status?" The King asked.

"Still in the procedure, my lord."

"And Zein?"

"In a cell. With two trusted guards on watch."

The King nodded. "Good. Garen is on his way there now." He glanced at Kietnan before turning back to Dran. "Leave us."

Dran nodded before both him and Teluq left the room.

"My Lords." Kahal greeted, his head slightly bowing as he stood beside where Kietnan was seated.

"Kahal." They nodded and turned. "Kietnan, we must speak with you."

His head and eyes slowly turned to look at them but he didn't respond.

Joreth and Othen each brought a chair to sit across from Kietnan for their King and Queen. "Thank you." Thala said and they both simply nodded their heads before taking seats to the left of Kietnan, Kahal sitting to his right.

"Since you didn't come to us, we came to you. I hope you show your respect for such an act."

Kietnan looked at the Queen and stared for a moment. Eventually he nodded slowly, swallowing and closing his eyes briefly as he took in a breath. He opened them and stood up straighter in his chair. "Apologies, my Lords. Thank you."

They both nodded before the Queen began. "Now. Talk us through everything, from the beginning."

Over the next hour Kietnan described in detail how he found Ashima, how she ended up staying in his dwelling with him and their interactions. They were particularly interested in the man who had attacked Ashima for revenge for his brother's death during the trials.

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