26. Arrival at the Homeland

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"What did you give to it, Rahn? It will not wake!"

"It was a simple healing tonic." The woman shrugged.

"You were instructed to give it bread and water, not heal it!"

"The Premier will wish to question her, they will expect her to be coherent enough to answer! You have made it so she can barely speak, Zein." Rahn said dryly. "Besides it is a simple tonic, you do not have to worry, she will still be in pain from all of your hard work."

"Good. That is good." He huffed. "I do not think I will get any more out of it anyway. Load it onto the cruiser, make sure it is secure. We leave in half an hour."

Rahn nodded slightly and turned to leave her superior where they were all eating lunch in Aktur.

"And Rahn..." she turned to him as she neared the door. "Defy my orders again and you will join it." He said dryly as he shoved a potato in his mouth.


Ashima woke to a wet cloth being rubbed across her forehead. "Mmmm" she hummed out, relishing in the comforting action against her pounding head.


Ashima startled and sat up quickly at the woman's voice.

"We are nearing the homeland. You must wake up now." The woman spoke quietly and Ashima got the feeling she didn't want anyone else to hear their conversation.

"Listen, we don't have much time."

Ashima closed her eyes and rubbed her hand over her forehead, trying to ease the pressure in her head. "How... How long have I been asleep?"

"Around 10 hours. Listen." The woman placed her hands on Ashima's forearms, getting her attention. "We will arrive in less than an hour. Zein will be here to question and intimidate you one last time before we arrive, so we don't have long."

Ashima tensed. She knew Zein well at this point, they had spent plenty of time together as he tortured her the past several nights.

"Stay strong, Ashima." Rahn said. "The Premier will respect strength and bravery. But do not appear arrogant or self-righteous. You must be humble."

"Brave but humble..." Ashima repeated in confusion. "What is about to happen? What can I expect?" 

"You will be questioned by the Premier but I know nothing outside of that. The homeland is nothing like the camp where you landed..." she paused. "We have no more time. Drink this."

Ashima looked at the liquid and then back up to the woman. "The same drink as before?" The woman nodded, then Ashima downed the drink.

"I must go. Tell no one I spoke with you or gave you that drink."

"What's your name?"

"It is better for me if you do not know." The woman looked away as if ashamed.

"Thank you. For everything." Ashima clasped the woman's hand with her own. The woman nodded before she rushed out of the room.

It was then that Ashima had a moment to look at her surroundings. Once she did she gasped audibly and stood abruptly. The action had her clutching her head in pain, before she steadied herself and reopened her eyes to look again.

"How can this be..." she turned to look all around her. They were no longer in an enclosed wagon that looked as if it were a frontier days reproduction, but instead she found herself in a room made of steel. Aside from the flat metal seat she had woken up on, there was also a toilet, a small pedestal sink and a door. All made of metal. Above her, in the center of the ceiling was a light. An electric light. She immediately looked around and found a type of switch. Her breath caught as she turned it and the light turned off, enveloping her in darkness. She turned it back and the light returned.

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