37. Taking a Leap

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Everything in her told her she should just push him off of her right now and leave this place. She wasn't strong enough to endure this. But she couldn't. Because she wasn't strong enough to walk away from it either. She finally nodded, slowly.

He drew in a deep breath from his nose before parting his lips to speak. Her body tensed in preparation for his question. Anyone watching them would probably find it obvious how they both felt. She knew that. She knew his actions here and now could only lead to one conclusion. But she still doubted, too afraid to admit anything to herself. Clinging to what she felt was her last bit of sanity, but also clinging to her fear, not willing to let it go.

He let out a nervous chuckle and Ashima felt a sudden rush of adrenaline rush through her as if to say 'what the hell are you waiting for?'

"Do you-"

His words were cut off as she reached up to grab both sides of his face and forcefully pulled him down to her. Her lips opened and she kissed him roughly, her mouth wanting to make up for the lost time she had denied this connection it had longed for. Her hands tightened on him, holding him against her.

As if her brain came to its senses, she hesitated, suddenly realizing he wasn't kissing her back. He was just laying there over her, staring at her with his muscles tense.

"I... I'm sorry." She said as she turned her head, wanting to hide her face from him forever for misreading the situation. "I shouldn't have-". She stopped speaking as the largest smile she'd ever seen spread across his face. It was breathtaking and she was completely mesmerized by it. She reached her fingers up to touch his face. "This... this is the best view I've seen today." She said, a broad smile covering her own face as her gaze moved from his lips up to his eyes. "Are you...? Are we... ok? What I-"

"Always talking too much." He cut her off as he chuckled and shifted all of his weight onto his left arm while his right hand grasped the back of her head, bringing her face up to his all in one swift motion.

Their lips met and this time they moved in unison, each with an urgent need. He kissed as if he was exploring her, memorizing every motion, every reaction. His lips moved from her mouth to her cheek, her chin, her neck, pecking and slightly sucking every part of her bare skin. Never stopping anywhere for too long as he mapped out her skin with his lips. When he reached a certain part where her chin met her neck, she involuntarily let out a moan as she gasped at the feeling, her hands squeezing tightly on his skin and shirt, her entire body tensing and rising up to meet him.

He tensed and stopped his assault on her neck, his labored breaths fanning her hot skin, causing her to shiver. He buried his face further into her neck and drew in a deep breath before exhaling it forcefully. Eventually he lifted himself up and looked at her as he caressed her face.

"Sometimes I don't believe you're real, either." He admitted as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, lingering there for a moment before separating himself from her again. "Yet you are more real to me than anything I've ever experienced."

"Come." He pushed himself up and stood before bending down to help her up. "We need to get back."

He grabbed his bag from the ground, returning it to his shoulder before grabbing her hand and beginning to lead her away from the pond.

She reached up with her other hand and squeezed tightly onto his hand, pulling him to a stop. "Wait." When he turned to look at her she continued. "What do we do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"What... What does this mean? For us?"

She pointed between them.

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