28. Answering the King and Queen

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Ashima woke with a start, sitting up abruptly and looking around the room. She put her hand on her forehead, rubbing it. Where was she again?

She looked around to see the pale orange walls, the white tile floor, and the door leading to a small bathroom. Oh, right.

At some point in the evening, Teluq had woken her up from her restless sleep and had Ashima follow her to a different room, Dran assisting her in walking as he had each time before. They had arrived in the room she was in now, but there were two other people there. She eventually realized they were medical attendants. They looked her over, and treated her wounds more thoroughly. Also taking many scans and tests.

Ashima had remained quiet during all of it, only speaking if they asked her a question about her injuries. At the end, they gave her that same strong tonic that the unknown female soldier had given her, which eventually had her drifting off into a deep sleep. Before she was fully out, she had whispered a thank you to the people in the room.

So here she was, in that same room. It was just slightly larger than the last room she was in, still with no window, but this one had the bathroom attached to it. The medical attendants had somehow made her knee pain bearable, so she was able to get up and make use of the facilities and return to sit on the edge of the bed without assistance. As she sat there waiting, she reviewed what had happened since she was ripped away from Kietnan's tent.

Her heart squeezed at the thought of him. The last time they were together she was cold and distant toward him. Did he think she had chosen to leave without saying goodbye? Was he worried for her? Was he angry? She felt tears sting the backs of her eyes and she let them fall freely, letting out sad sobs.

Back at camp she had had hope. She hoped for her future, that the leadership might see good in her, like he did. Even if he never was attracted to her in the same way she was to him, she knew deep down that he cared for her, that he was her friend. She knew deep down it was more than simply him feeling he had a duty, that she was his friend and he was hers. If he could feel that way, surely others would as well.

But the journey here from camp squashed any hopes she had. For anything. Only fear and uncertainty remained. The only hope she had now was that her death would be quick and she would endure no more torture. As she sat on the bed, she knew she was spiraling emotionally and mentally again but she couldn't find it in her to fight it. As far as she was concerned, all was lost.

When the door to her room opened, she was laying in the fetal position, on her right side, staring at the wall.

"Oh, you're awake." Teluqs voice rang out across the bare room. "How are you feeling?" When Ashima didn't move or respond Teluq moved to stand beside her. "You've been out for nearly two days. Here." Teluq held out a glass of water but Ashima didn't take it.

Teluq sighed and squatted beside the bed, getting closer to eye level with Ashima. "Come now. Drink up. I don't want to get fussed at for letting you get dehydrated."

Ashima's eyes slowly focused onto the woman before then moving to the glass. "That's it." Teluq urged her on, holding the glass to Ashima's lips as she took a small sip.

When Ashima took no more and closed her eyes, Teluq huffed and placed the glass on the bedside table. "Alright, let's get you up." When Ashima didn't move or even look at Teluq, the female guard pushed her arms underneath Ashima's armpits and forced her to sit up. "Now." She grabbed the glass and handed it to Ashima again. "Drink this entire thing."

Ashima complied, slowly drinking down half of the cool liquid. The two medical attendants from before entered the room and ended up having to help Teluq bathe and change Ashima, who sat quietly during the entire ordeal, only moving when told to do so.

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