38. The Truth Comes Out

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"You should have seen this one." Kahal pointed at Kietnan with his thumb. "I've never seen anyone so determined to finish a trial in record time." She looked from Kahal to Kietnan, then back to Kahal as he continued. After a truly perfect day exploring the Grand Hall with Kietnan, the four of them had met on a balcony to share an evening meal and Kahal was sharing more details on the day of the final trial. "By the time I was finished, he already had his stuff loaded in the travel cart and had begun loading mine."

"By the time I was finished, all three of them were standing waiting for me, ready for us all to depart. He wouldn't even wait for me to bathe."

"You weren't that dirty." Kietnan defended.

"All three? Joreth rushed back with you too?" She questioned.

"My brothers and I may not always agree on everything, but in the end we stick together." Kahal confirmed but her heart squeezed. Would she come between Kietnan and his brother? Was she why he wasn't here with them today? Would he have to choose between them? She would never willingly put him in that position.

Then suddenly a thought came to her and she looked at Kietnan. "You completed the final trial in better time than all of your brothers?" She questioned.

The corners of his lips turned up into a smile but it was Kahal who answered her question. "A faster time than anyone."

Her eyes rounded and she gasped. "You...?" He nodded. "So what does that mean? What happens if you not just complete it, but you win the entire competition?" She looked between the brothers then back at Kietnan.

Othen stared and Kahal sighed. She glanced at them again before her eyes settled on the man beside her at the table. He too looked up at his brothers and sighed.

"Well, the trials are one way our people determine who will be-"

"Othen." Kahal cut Othen off. "She doesn't know?" Kahal asked Kietnan, his tone serious. Kietnan looked down and shook his head slightly. "Come, Othen. Our brother needs to speak with Ashima alone."

Othen nodded and the two brothers left the room. She spoke a weak goodbye before returning her attention back to Kietnan, worry filling her. "What does he mean? What haven't you told me?"

Kietnan rubbed his head before bringing his hand down and reaching for hers. Come, let's sit somewhere more comfortable." He led her, hand in hand, to a sofa where they sat facing each other, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of her hands as he held them.

"Should I be worried? You're scaring me." Ashima questioned him.

He rubbed circles on her hands with his thumbs as he spoke. "I told you before how the trials are for all people of imperial blood." He paused, looking at her.


He nodded. "The trials occur once each generation. It is a test to weed out those who are unworthy."

When he didn't continue she asked. "Unworthy of what?" She asked, but in the back of her mind a thought formed and her heart began to beat harder. She knew these past two days had been too perfect.

He looked up at her. "Our homeland is a Monarchy. To determine who will take the crown next, there are a series of requirements. One is the trials."

"Are you telling me you won the trials and now you might become King?!" She gasped. 

"Well there are many other requirements, but finishing in the top of the trials is one, yes." He added as she still sat there staring wide eyed at him. Out of the men and women who complete the trials, character tests are considered, as well as past achievements, goals."

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