45. Nothing Good

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"Next week..."

"No, not just for the.... Everyone ... attend."

".... Perfect opportunity. Gather the ... We must..."

Ashima wasn't sure if she was awake and hearing muffled voices or if she was dreaming. Her head felt like she was swimming. When had she fallen asleep? Where was she again?

Memories were trying to return but she was still too sleepy. Hadn't she been struggling to sleep? Why was she struggling to wake now?

"Good afternoon, sleepy head."

A woman's voice came from closer by. It was clearer than the others. Were they speaking to her?

"Ashima." The voice said in a sing-song tone.

"How much did you give her?" A man's voice sounded from nearby.

"The amount I was told to." The woman sounded irritated.

"Perhaps her human anatomy requires a smaller dosage. We can't give her the next dose like this. Return in half an hour."

"What if..."

She didn't hear the rest of the conversation. Sleep took her once again.


"I'm not going to a celebration."

"We don't expect you to sing and dance and put on a show, Kietnan but we want you to come. We need our people to see us as a united front, no matter how things are behind the scenes. Just sit through dinner and then you can leave." Kahal tried persuading his brother.

"United front?" Kietnan scoffed.

"You know I am on your side, brother. But our people need this. You won't have to speak with anyone, I'll make it so. Just promise me you'll think about it. For me."

"Fine, I'll think about it."

Kahal clasped his hands together and smiled broadly. "Thank you, brother. Now, while you're feeling agreeable-"


"You do not know what I was going to say."

"You were going to ask me to leave this room."

"But you don't know where."

"It doesn't matter. I'm busy."



Kahal stared at his brother as he sat there staring out of the window.

"Leave me before I decide to no longer think about going to this celebration."

Kahal grumbled as he stood up. "Fine, fine. I'll leave you be. But promise me the next time I come visit, you will go for a walk with me. Outside. In the fresh air."



"Yes, yes. Now go."

"Ok. Be well, brother."

Kietnan waited five minutes after his brother left before quietly opening his door and looking up and down the hall. With no one in sight he quickly left his room and headed straight to the library.

Once inside he brought up the historical records on when the Aerulians visited.

A few minutes in, he jumped when a voice sounded behind him. "I knew you were trying to get rid of me."

Kietnan glanced over his shoulder before continuing his research as Kahal entered the room.

"And what is it you hope to achieve by researching all of this?"

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