34. Spending the Day Together

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"Well?" Ashima asked the next morning as Kietnan removed the bandages on her feet. "What's the damage? Is it a mangled mess down there?" She chuckled.

He looked up at her with a stern expression. "This is no laughing matter, Shima."

"Fine. But how do they look? Am I allowed to walk now?"

"Much improvement."

She bounced in excitement and he continued.

"But we still must take it easy today as they are still healing. Make sure to tell me if-"

"Yes, of course I will tell you if I need a break." She said dryly, trying to imitate him.

He applied the cream to her feet carefully, not looking up at her.

"I know you want to smile." He gave no response. "Come on. Just a little one?"

He looked up at her with a brow raised. "For me?" She said as she clasped her hands together under her chin and gave her best puppy dog face.

He gave in and slightly smiled as he chuckled.

"See! That wasn't so hard, was it?" She said in excitement.

"You're in a good mood this morning."

"Are you kidding? I'm so excited! You're giving me a tour of what's practically a castle on an alien world! And on top of that, it's your home. I can't wait to see everything."

"Ah. The explorer." He said flatly but Ashima could see the ends of his mouth turn up to smile again.

"You know you're excited to show me." She patted his head as he put fresh bandages on her feet before then putting on fresh socks and her slip on shoes. "What are we going to see first?"

He shrugged as he lifted her shirt enough to inspect the bandage on her side. The medical staff had done well, he noted. Just a small scar remained, although red and swollen. "This will likely be the last time we need to treat your incision." He informed her as he placed fresh cream on it and didn't bother with a bandage.

"Really?!" Ashima bent her head down to see. "That cream is a miracle salve." She said in amazement. Lowered her shirt and stood, going to retrieve the devices to help her walk.

"Your feet will need at least another two days of cream, but maybe only one more day with the devices."

"That's still not too bad, all things considered. It would be much worse at home."

"You have a way of looking at things positively."

She shrugged and smiled at him as he put the braces in place.

"What would you like to see?" He asked.

"How should I know, you're the one who lives here." She chuckled.

"What type of things interested you on earth."

"Oh. Hmm..." she thought for a moment as he helped her stand and adjust to the braces. "I guess I was always working and training, that didn't leave much time for personal interests." Once at her door, he put his shoes on and they exited, starting a leisurely pace down the hall. "I know your people aren't interested in space travel or relations, but what about astronomy? The study of the stars and Sun and moon, all that you can see from right here where you are."

He let a small smile spread on his lips. "Yes, of course. This way." He turned them down a hall before taking them on an elevator to a top level. Once there, they walked for a good distance down another hallway before finally walking into a giant room with a glass domed ceiling.

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