36. Is This a Date?

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Once she went through the path and stood up right, she took two steps and then stopped, her mouth opening agape in surprise and wonder. The thick foliage had opened up and she was standing on a large rock outcropping with a very clear view of the entire grand hall, surrounded by beautiful greenery. The iridescent green stone was sparkling in the sun.

"What do you think?" His voice sounded from directly behind her,

"It's magnificent!" She said as she laughed in excitement.

"Good. Now, come sit and rest."

"What is this?" She turned to see he had laid a blanket down,and had jars of water and a cloth laid out with various foods for them to enjoy. "You brought us a picnic?"

Her smile beamed at him as she sat and got comfortable, removing the devices and her shoes from her feet to give them a break.

"Do you like it?"

"It's so lovely. This is perfect. Thank you."

When they were finished eating, Ashima laid down on her back on the blanket, her upper half under the shade of the canopy but her head turned toward the view of the Grand Hall.

She watched as a bird flew in the air and landed on a branch near them. She propped herself up on her elbows. " Kietnan?

"Yes?" She turned to see that he had also lay down on the blanket, and arms length away from her.

"I've noticed something curious about your home."

"Just one thing?" He chuckled.

"Hey, I'm trying not to completely overwhelm you with questions. But don't poke fun of me, you know how overwhelming and exciting this all has to be for me."

"Poke fun? Are you saying I'm being mean to you?" He asked with a concerned expression.

She laughed wholeheartedly, remembering her explaining that phrase to him. "No, if you recall, I told you it was all in good fun. You are the one who interpreted it as being mean."

"Anyway, I arrived here on a high tech and what I have to assume is a very fast transportation vessel of some kind. And yet, I don't see anything traveling around outside the Grand Hall. No ground vehicles, no air vehicles, and now that I think about it, I didn't see anything inside the walls either, as we were walking the streets."

"No, of course not. Transportation vehicles of any kind are under strict regulations. Otherwise they would take over, and ruin any semblance of peace we have."

"Oh." She whispered, deep in thought. "Your people really do put a lot of thought into the long term effects of new technology, don't they?"

He nodded his head.

She laid her head back down, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath of fresh air.

After several content moments of silence, he asked. "How are you doing, Shima? Really?"

"I'm fine. My feet are getting their rest now." She said as she wiggled her toes in the open air. "And I don't really feel any of the other stuff anymore."

"That is good to hear." His voice was smooth, comforting, she noted. "But that's not what I meant."

Ashima opened her eyes and turned her head to the side to find him looking at her. "What do you mean?"

He rolled onto his side, reaching his arm over and gently wiping her face. Caressing her forehead with his thumb. "In here. He explained. How are you, in here? You have been through so much..."

Understanding came to her, and she sighed, turning on her side to fully face him as well and bringing her hand up to hold his, bringing it down in front of her, holding it. "I don't know." She whispered. "I was so lost." She admitted as she held his eyes. "I didn't know what was going to happen to me, and for a moment there, I just wanted it all to be over."

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