51. A New Family

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"We can't trust a word she says."  Thala argues. "How can we know if anything she promises is true? We know nothing of that planet's habits and customs, what if it is common to be manipulative and backhanded?"

"And her act of goodwill?" Othen questioned.

Thala scoffed. "Of course she'd try anything to get in our good graces, especially when she hardly had a choice."

"Good Point." General Garen agreed. "We should ask-"  His words were cut off as the door opened abruptly and two figures walked in.  "Ashima, my dear!" Garen stood and greeted her happily.

"Greetings Garen." She offered him a smile before turning to the other members of the Premier.  "Greetings everyone."  

"Greetings Ashima, thank you for joining us." Japheth said as he and Thala stood and nodded their heads in greeting. "Greetings Kietnan."

After pleasantries were exchanged The Premier were all seated at their usual spots around the large table, with Ashima sitting beside Kietnan.

"Ashima I'm sure you're curious as to why we've asked you to join this meeting." Thala began.

"Is there development in the investigation?" Ashima asked in response.

Thala gave a short nod. "Perhaps. We're not entirely sure.  I'll let Kahal fill you in." 

"Right." Kahal shifted. "As you know, questioning the traitors we caught didn't initially bring forth much information. And while we chose not to message the Aerulians ourselves, we did leave the beacon on and open in case they tried to message us." Ashima nodded, listening eagerly. "Early this morning, before first light, we received a message from them."

Ashima gasped while Kietnan muttered. "Took them long enough."

"Well? What did they say?" She asked.

"The message said it was from their Prime Minister, which we understand would be their high leader, correct?"

"Yes. That's correct! A message from the Prime Minister herself? That's unusual, it's my understanding she doesn't communicate directly very often. If at all."

"Oh? That's interesting." Japheth commented and Thala nodded in agreement.

"Yes, well." Kahal continued. The text basically said when the Aerulian team returned, one of them felt guilty and reported all of the events to their higher authorities.  They extend their sincerest apologies. And they're conducting internal investigations to prevent any further incidents.  As an offering to bring our planets back to peaceful terms, they're asking to send gifts in the form of an updated communication system and any supplies their planet may be able to offer in aid for any needs we have. You're more familiar with the Aerulians than we are, what is your opinion? Do you think the message is truthful?"

Ashima's eyes rounded that they'd want her opinion on such a matter.  She looked to Kietnan who she could tell was deep in thought. He placed a hand on top of hers that sat on her leg under the table and gave her a supportive nod.

She drew in a deep breath and straightened her shoulders to settle her nerves. "I've never communicated with the Prime Minister or any of her direct staff. As far as I'm aware, not even my highest supervisors have. I have witnessed interactions with some members of management within their planetary relations team, though."  She paused, thinking through her memories.

"Ever since that whole ordeal with them on this planet, I've been thinking through all the interactions I had with them in the past, and any recordings I'd studied in my training that I could remember. I've been trying to think of any signs of their people being two faced or backhanded."

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