20. Frustration

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Kietnan stared at the lake. He watched the streaks of light on the water from nearby fires. He had always felt peace when looking at the icy water. Tonight he felt anything but peace. All he could see was the anguish on her face as she stood and turned away from him. All he could hear was the way her voice faltered, and all he could feel was the stabbing in his chest as she had turned cold toward him.

He threw a pebble at the water, watching it immediately sink to the bottom. "This is why Qarthan's do not show all of these emotions." He grumbled to the quiet lake. "They bring nothing but frustration."

What would she have me do? He said to himself. He threw a few more rocks at the lake before deciding to head back. An hour would have to be enough. He had to finish preparing for tomorrow's trial. His eagerness to return had nothing to do with checking on her, he told himself.

He stood and listened from outside the door. All was silent. Good, at least she is not having an angry rant like he heard when he stood outside the tent before walking to the lake.

He opened the door and walked in, his eyes immediately searching for her. When they landed on her sleeping form, his mouth opened in shock, his eyes widened when he realized she was almost bare.

"Shima?" He spoke softly. "I have returned."

He walked toward her to lay a blanket over her, but when he got close his eyes narrowed and he felt like letting out a roar.

"Shima!" She jumped at his loud voice above her, turning to face him. "What have you done?!" He said as he looked over her skin, which was red and many areas had blisters from the hot water and some places looked as if they might bleed from her rough washing. He felt his chest heave, attempting to calm his anger.

When she didn't answer he looked at her eyes and asked again, softer. "What happened? Did you do this to yourself?" He didn't recognize his voice, it seemed... not as steady as usual. He cleared his throat.

"I..." she looked down at herself, her eyes widening and she gasped. She immediately reached for a blanket to cover herself, realizing she was half naked in front of him, but she winced in pain as soon as she moved.

"Don't move." He stood and rushed to the kitchen, finding the jar of medicinal cream and returning to her side with it. "I will try to be gentle." He said as he opened the lid. 

"No, Kietnan. I can do it." She reached for the jar but he waved her off.

"Don't. Move." He growled out.

She froze, then slowly laid down on the cot, making it easier for him and trying not to show her pain. He began at her feet, which were almost entirely covered in blisters from her standing in the scalding water as it fell into the basin. He worked in silence as neither of them were ready to speak. He slowly worked his way up her legs, which had no burns but had streaks of raw flesh from her scrubbing.

When he reached a raw spot high on her inner thigh, she slowly drew in a deep breath and he paused. "Did I hurt you?"

"N...no I'm fine."

After several more minutes of his careful treatment of her he asked "Can you sit up?" as he offered her his hand.

She nodded and took it, pulling up on his hand to come to a sitting position. She winced at the movement but quickly settled. He retrieved a string and immediately returned, pulling her hair back and tying it in place up off her neck, where he added cream.

He leaned forward to look her face over, his eyes focused and determined. Her face seemed unscathed but he noticed how badly she hurt when he had pulled her hair. "Is your scalp burnt? Under your hair?"

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