39. Searching

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"Where would she go?" Japheth asked Kietnan.

"I've only had time to show her a few places, she wasn't anywhere near any of them. We've spoken with every person she's had contact with since she's been here. No one has seen her."

"Alright, what's the plan of action?" Thala asked. "We can't have an alien going rogue throughout the homeland. Garen?"

"I have teams gearing up, we'll be able to start combing through each level within the next half hour."

"Gearing up with what exactly? What do you mean rogue?" Kietnan stood, leaning his hands onto the table in front of him, staring at Queen Thala and General Garen across from him.

"This is a matter of Grand Hall safety, boy. Your play thing is on the loose, doing who knows what."

Kietnan growled at the same time Kahal and Japheth both said "Garen" in stern warning.

"What? You think we don't all know you're romantically involved with this girl?" Garen scoffed. "Sure, have your fun, but you can't let your pants do your thinking for you on Homeland matters."

"Garen." Japheth growled. "I'll advise you not to speak to my son in such a manner."

"My nephew needs to hear the hard truth, my Lord. If he can't control the thing, we must step in and protect our people."

"She's not a thing." Kietnan argued. "She's a person. A person who is upset and confused and scared.

"She's an alien. In our homeland. I will not stand by and let your bias to the girl compromise our security!" He yelled.

"She's not a security threat!" Kietnan yelled.

"I suggest you calm down or remove yourself from this room, boy. Let the grownups make the big decisions here."

"Garen. Don't think that because you're my wife's brother that I will allow you to speak to my son, who is a grown male and your superior, in this way." Japheth boomed. "Now, both of you. Sit down and don't speak another word until you are calm enough to actually contribute something useful."

Kietnan scoffed, bringing his hands off the table to rub them on his head, taking in deep breaths before sitting down.

"Kahal, you will lead the search by our troops."

"My lord-"

"Not a word, General." Japheth held up a hand. "Kahal is calm and thinking clearly. And the girl will not be as frightened of him if he finds her. He leads the search."

"Now-" his words were cut off as the door opened and Joreth entered the room, taking a seat between Othen and the King's administrative assistant, across from Queen Thala.

"Where have you been, Joreth? We had to begin without you." The Queen stated disapprovingly.

"I apologize, my lords. It could not be helped." He stated.

 "As I was saying," the king continued. "We need a plan in place for the people within the Great Hall. If we keep this quiet and people begin to see her roaming freely through the castle they may raise questions. But should we be proactive about this and make a statement that we're looking for her, they may panic."

"Or lose faith in our abilities." The Queen added.

"Why does the statement have to be negative?" Othen spoke up. "Can't we come up with some kind of statement that doesn't paint Ashima in a bad light? That's the most likely way to not raise panic among the people, while also keeping her safe."

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