42. Joreth's Decision

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Later that evening, the entire royal family were seated around the evening meal, finishing their last bites.

"We have gathered you all here because we have some news to share."  Japheth started.

"Oh?" Garen asked, putting down his utensils and leaning back in his chair.

"We have received a response from the Aerulians."

A moment of silence and stares hung between the seven Qarthans before voices erupted in excited chatter.

"What did they say?" Asked Kahal.

"Are they coming here?" Othen questioned nervously. 

"What is the plan?" Garen was in General mode.

Kietnan gripped his fork tightly. 

"Calm." Japheth held up a hand.

"They will arrive in two days. They are eager to help rescue her." Thala said happily.

"And what are we going to do when they get here and we have no one to give to them?" Garen questioned.

"Yes, about that." Thala cleared her throat, looking at her husband.  "Ashima is no longer missing, you can call off the search."

Kietnan stood, knocking his chair backwards across the floor. "Where is she?!"

"Sit down, son." Japheth crossed his arms, and held a stern gaze. Kietnan knew this meant nothing more would be said until he complied, so he did. 

"Ashima is safe and well cared for, but wishes to remain where she is." Thala continued. "She extends her apologies for the trouble she has caused and asks for everyone to be understanding of her wishes. She hopes to remain in isolation until her departure so she can no longer cause disturbances among our people."

Joreth's mouth dropped open, knowing Ashima had said no such thing.  He was the only one who had visited her and Teluq since their arrival at the cave.

"You're lying." Kietnan stood again. "She didn't say that.  She wouldn't just leave..." he drew in a deep breath. "Not without saying goodbye."

"I'm sorry you're upset son, please let's just leave this as simple as possible."

"Tell me where she is."


"Surely members of The Premier have the right to know her location." Kahal added in an attempt to aid his brother.

"We can't have her feeling scared and attempt to run and hide again." Japheth responded, his voice as soothing as possible.

"As General, surely I should know her location and be in charge of her until her departure. I should have been overseeing her this entire time. If I was, we wouldn't have been in this situation." He said angrily through gritted teeth.

"Not when we're so close to the end. She is safe and happy and well hidden, there is no reason to share her location or bring her unwanted visitors." Thala specifically kept her eyes forward toward the general, and away from her son.

"She may have ran to hide but it was in a moment of emotion, I know she wouldn't just leave without speaking to me. I wouldn't do anything to make her upset." Kietnan kept his voice even but everyone could see he was fighting from getting on his knees and begging.

"Please, my son, let's honor her wishes. I do not wish to see you in more pain." Japheth spoke softly to his son.

"And letting her leave without giving me any type of closure will not bring me pain?!" Kietnan's voice grew as he stepped away from the table and rubbed his hand over his head. He turned and stared at his parents.  "Please."

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