35. You're a what?!

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"Oh!" She practically jumped as they walked down the hall and Kietnan tensed as he began looking down the hall for some unknown threat. "I completely forgot! I'm so sorry, I didn't ask yet." She looked at Kietnan seriously. "The final trial. What happened?"

He released a sigh. "Do not scare me like this, Shima."


"I completed the trial, all is well."

"So that's it?" She questioned. "What is the purpose of the trials, you never told me."

"At the basic level, the purpose of the trials is for imperial born men and women to secure their status for another generation. Either to remain as they are, perhaps improve their position of respect within the homeland, or for some it will lower their status. Depending on how they performed."

"So... you're a noble?"

"I'm not familiar with that word, but I imagine something like that, yes."

"So this is good for you?"

He shrugged but also nodded, as if he didn't really care. "This makes me even more nervous about how spending time with me might affect your status, Ki. I appreciate everything you've done for me and I truly enjoy your company but surely you have better things to do. I-."

He huffed and cut her off. "Not again, Shima."

"What of your brothers? Do your actions affect them as well?"

"Shima." He grumbled. "Do not worry, please. If it were an issue, don't you think my brothers would be vocal about it? Kahal and Othen have been friendly to you, yes?"

She nodded.

"And Joreth is obviously comfortable speaking his mind, yet he has voiced no concerns over you threatening our family's status."

She huffed.

"See. Nothing to worry about." He patted her hand.

"Fine." She exhaled. "Wait, you mentioned women?"

"Yes, they will have their trials soon as well."

"Wow." She breathed. "It's a very interesting concept."

"I take it you have nothing like this on Earth?"

"Not this exact idea, no. Not that I'm aware, anyway. Perhaps in our past."

"Not that you're aware?"

"There are many different countries, or homelands, in my world. Each has their own government. Some are similar, some vastly different from each other.

"And there does not exist a single entity that governs over all of them?"

"Nope." She shook her head.



Four hours later Ashima was again following Kietnan through the long hallways. He had insisted she rest again after their midday meal with the King and Queen. Although all she ended up doing was reliving the two hour long interaction over and over again in her mind.

Her and Kietnan had recounted all of their events at camp and answered many questions about that time. She had worried he was being too open about his friendliness toward her, but he had assured her that was in her best interest. The problem was, she was more worried about his best interest.

"What's in the bag?" She asked, eyeing the pack he had hanging behind his shoulder.

"You'll see."

"Is that why you left me with Teluq? To get whatever's in there? Not that I mind, she's actually good company, she has some great stories. But where are we going that you needed... supplies?"

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