50. Where do we go from here?

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"What is Zein saying?" Joreth asked

"Nothing yet." Kahal answered.

"Of course not." Othen scoffed. "What about the others?"

After Ashima tackled Zein, a string of men and women had rushed forward in his support and just like that, a battle had begun right on the Premier platform in the middle of the gaudir that was supposed to be a symbol of united harmony for the Qarthan people.

"They all have plenty to say, just nothing useful. Apparently they're all angry over how weak and complacent we have become. After these past few days, I'm inclined to agree with their assessment." Kahal sighed. "We will have to make some adjustments to do better in the future."

"Agreed." His brothers said in unison.

"It feels like we are helpless, knowing the Aerulians were able to just take off into the air and leave into space and we had no way of stopping them."

The brothers all nodded and transitioned into a comfortable silence, each of them thinking of everything that had happened leading up to Zein's attack a few hours prior. They were sitting side by side on a far wall of The Premier's personal medical ward. It had never been used for anyone outside of The Premier but, given the circumstances, they couldn't know who to trust and wanted to keep the three unconscious bodies close by.

Sudden movement and some quiet groans had everyone in the room looking toward the bed on the far right of the room.

"Sshhh, sssshhh Shima, take your time. You're safe. You're safe." Kietnan spoke softly to her as he brushed the hair from her face with his fingers. When Ashima kept groaning but not opening her eyes, he climbed onto the small bed with her and cocooned her with his body. "You're safe, I'm with you." He kissed her temple as he held her. "I'm with you." He whispered again.

The brothers moved their eyes away from the couple as Ashima drifted back into a more restful sleep. Kietnan following her shortly after as he still embraced her.

Soon after, Joreth said his goodbyes, leaving to go join his wife and child at their dwelling. Othen decided to walk him out, and then he too would turn in for what was left of the night.

Kahal watched over the four sleeping figures in the room, contemplating all the ways they could improve on their security, and their defense strategies and procedures to prevent something like this from happening again. They were so close to disaster. As he felt himself dozing off in his chair, he stirred at the sound of the door creaking open.

"How are they?" Queen Thala asked.

"The same, my lord." Kahal offered. "Ashima stirred at some point, but never fully woke. She seemed to be in pain or having a nightmare. Or both." He pointed toward her bed that was now occupied with two sleeping figures. "He calmed her down."

"He's finally getting some rest, I see." Japheth gave a small smile.

Kahal nodded. "You should get some rest too." Thala sat beside her son, offering him a nod before turning to watch Kietnan sleep.

Kahal's eyes moved to the woman on the far left of the room, bruises covering her head and body as she slept. "I will. I just worry there's something we're missing. Without having the full story, I can't feel they're truly safe."

"That's why there are four guards, son." Japheth motioned to the two guards standing on either side of the door, two other guards would be mirroring them on the other side, Kahal knew. On the far left side of the room, two medical attendants were checking charts and lab results, making plans for treatment for when the patients woke up. 

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