41. Contact

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Three days later the four brothers, their parents, and the general sat around a table having breakfast while discussing important matters.

"Kietnan, are you listening?" Queen Thala questioned him.

Kietnan's eyes slowly moved up to meet his mothers. "I apologize." He spoke quietly.

"I know you bonded with the girl, son but-"

"Ashima." Kietnan spoke softly but confidently as he flexed his fingers out as if stretching them before balling them up into a fist. "Her name is Ashima."

Thala sighed. "I understand you feel responsible for Ashima's wellbeing but you still have responsibilities to attend to, Kietnan. Let others worry about her and you focus on your role. She is no longer your responsibility."

Kietnan's fist tightened as he drew in a deep breath to calm himself, all eyes on him. "How many times must I tell you, mother." He spoke slowly. "She was not just a responsibility, she is my-"

"Let's not go through this again, son." Thala Sat her glass firmly on the table. "This girl will go home to her kind and you will move on and find a more suitable partner." She brought her hands up and rubbed her temples with her fingers. "How is it I have three of four sons who have yet to marry, one finally finds an interest but it is with an alien." She closed her eyes and drew in a breath.

Kietnan calmly stood.

"Sit down." Thala ordered angrily but he ignored her as he walked around the table toward the door. She stood. "Kietnan, your queen is ordering you to return to your seat and assume your responsibilities as a lord of the Grand Hall."

Kietnan turned and stared at her, making no move in either direction.

"My Queen." King Japheth spoke softly. She shook her head, unyielding. Japheth returned his attention to his son. "Kietnan. You are hereby relieved of duty for five days."

"What?!" Thala almost shouted.

"Enough Thala. Kietnan, take time to gather yourself. I will no longer spend my days watching you going further into yourself, only to see a spark in you when your mother offends your convictions. None of this is helping our people. Take a leave and we will carry on while you do whatever you need to do to come back to us in a better state."

"There is only one thing I need." Kietnan turned on his heel and quickly left the room.

"Why would you-"

"Thala. Your insensitivity to our son has achieved nothing but further heightening his already emotional state. This further halts our productivity."

Thala opened her mouth to speak but quickly closed it when Japheth spoke again. "Joreth, report from the engineers."

"Nothing to report. The modifications they completed on the beacon yesterday seem to be the best they can do. They have no further ideas to make improvements at this point."

"So we must continue to wait." Kahal commented and Joreth nodded in response. "I am still struggling to wrap my mind around why we haven't found Ashima by now. It has been several days."

"She must have someone assisting her." Garen added.

"Agreed, but we've questioned everyone she came in contact with. None are helping her, or they're good liars." Kahal sighed.

"Shouldn't we question them again? Perhaps she made it on her own for a short time, but then confided in someone after we had questioned them."

"Good idea, Othen." Kahal praised, causing Othen to show a slight smile.

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