30. A Not So Happy Reunion

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One hour earlier.

"We will be there in mere moments, stop pacing." Joreth complained to his youngest brother. "You've driven us all mad with your constant pushing. We've made it back in record time, calm down."

"I will calm down when I see she is safe and unharmed." Kietnan growled.

"You are not yourself, brother. You've gotten more emotional and short tempered."

"You don't understand, Joreth." Kietnan growled.

"I think I understand quite perfectly." he scoffed.

"Enough. Both of you." Kahal commanded.

"We've arrived." Othen stated as he entered their room within the vessel.

Kietnan bolted from the room, heading toward the exit. He waited impatiently as the crew finally opened the door for him to exit. He rushed past the crew and ran straight into the belly of the Grand Hall, making his way directly to the first guard he saw.

"Where is she?" He commanded.

The guards as rounded as Kietnan stood threateningly before him, before schooling his features. "Who?"

"The alien woman. Where is she?"

"Oh! Yes, interesting news, isn't it?"

Kietnan practically growled. "Where. Is. She." he seethed with impatience.

The guard blinked before answering. "In the prison ward, of course. Being held during the questioning period." He said, unamused.

Kietnan rushed from the hall the moment the words 'prison ward' reached his ears. He breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that meant she hadn't been executed. Not yet, anyway. But he wouldn't rest until he saw her.

He entered the prison ward and made his way across the foyer. "Dran!" He called out to the man walking across the room.

He stopped and turned. "Kietnan? You're back early."

"Dran, where is she, the alien woman."

Dran sighed. "I'm going that way now, you can walk with me. Tell me how the tria-"

"Dran, just tell me where she is."

Dran eyed Kietnan curiously before responding. "Medical Room three."

Kietnan took a quick step before stopping abruptly and turning back to Dran. "Medical room?!" He asked but didn't wait on an answer. He sprinted down the hall in that direction, Dran fast on his heels.

"What's going on?" Dran asked from behind him.

"Why is she in the medical hall?" He didn't turn as he asked, continuing his fast pace. His worry had skyrocketed now that he knew she was in the medical hall of the prison ward.

He slowed to a stop just long enough to open the door but found it locked. "Dran." He growled.

"Hold on, hold on." Dran pulled out the key from his pocket, holding it in his hand but not opening the door. "Why are you so interested?"

"Just open the door. I want to be sure she is alright."

Dran crossed his arms. "I've been assigned to her, tell me why you wish to see her so badly." He eyed Kietnan suspiciously. "Do you know her?"

"Yes, I know her. She was with me at the camp, now open the door."

Dran raised an eyebrow before nodding. "Alright, alright friend. Calm down." Dran reached down with the key and unlocked the door, knocking on it. No response. He knocked again. "Perhaps we should wai-"

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