49. Rahn's POV

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Rahn POV

Half an hour prior

"Hey guys..." Rahn said in a voice that sounded pained and weak.

"Hey." The smaller of the two guards at the door responded.

"I think..." Rahn made herself stagger slightly to the left, away from the direction she had just come.

"You all right?" The smaller guard asked.

"I think I'm..." She staggered several steps, getting past the open doorway, and shook her head as if trying to clear off dizziness. She brought her hand up and rubbed her forehead, as she staggered another step down the hallway that was the opposite direction from where Ashima was hiding.

"You don't look so good." She could hear the guard taking a step towards her.

"You know,... I don't feel so good all of a sudden. But I was trying to warn..."

Rahn held her breath as she made herself fall, flat on her face without catching herself.

The younger guard came and caught her just in time. She let out a sigh of relief. That was going to hurt.

"Thank you. I'm assuming I was drugged... But I have to warn them...." She rolled her eyes toward the back of her head and closed them, jerking her body as if having some kind of episode.

"A little help here?" She heard him yell at the other guard. "She said she was drugged."

Oh, bless you, you fool. She thought to herself.

When she heard the other guards footsteps approaching as well, she shook her head again as if trying to clear it and coming back to her senses. When he knelt as well, she reached out and put her hand on his forearm.

She took a deep breath as if even that was a struggle. Did Ashima have enough time to get in place yet? How long would it take her to get in position before I start a ruckus?

"Must've been a poison dagger, from the fight. I got a few scrapes."

"Fight?" The young one questioned as the larger, obviously more experienced guard, helped her to stand. She could tell he was getting nervous. This would have to be enough time for Ashima.

"Yes..." She drew in a breath. "There's been an assassination attempt on the general."

"Where." The larger guard demanded.

She shook her head. "No time to explain, we must warn...." She coughed for a long moment then drew in a deep breath before continuing. "They plan to assassinate the premier, we must warn them." She went to stand as if jumping into action to do just that. The younger man caught her as she swayed, but the other man took off away from her in a sprint. Directly into the event hall.

She stood up straight, all pretenses of sickness gone. Turning to the other guard, she said, "Don't let anyone inside the doors, even if they're Qarthan guards."

"Yes, ma'am." He said, standing back at the door on high alert. She smirked as she ran into the room,

Following the larger guard, she thought of how nice it was that he was parting the crowd for her. Excitement of the chase running through her veins.

Before they could reach The Premier's table, shouts started to ring out through the hall. Too slow, she thought to herself. We're too slow.

As the large guard kept running ahead, she veered slightly, looking around him.

She cursed as she saw Ashima on the ground, being held down.

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