Prologue: The Deep Below

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Down in Carreon there has always been a high esteem held for the Royal family. Seeminglyperfect people blessed by the ancient ones for their outstanding leadership during theCalamity War. 

As it stands the current royal family consists of five members along with their castle staff.Galen the king, Varosa the queen, and the triplets Fathra, Wilo and Leron. For the most partit's peaceful and Hardy around the castle but recently the world tree the castle was builtaround has shown signs of withering.

"Galen can you get the boys, the butler just informed me the food is almost ready." Varosaexclaimed with a soft yet slightly exhausted tone. 

"Sure thing, do you know where they are right now?"Galen responded with a raspy tone. 

"Last I saw them, they were heading out towards the royal garden so you should find themthere somewhere." Varosa spoke as she was heading towards the dining hall. 

As Galen went out into the royal garden he could see how the world tree has only beenwithering even more since last night."It's only getting worse by the day" He thinks in his head. If the world tree withers and diesthere is no telling what consequences it could have on their kingdom let alone the world!

"Boys dinner is ready, Playtime's over!" Galen roared across the garden shaking the leaveson the trees. 

The three boys came out of the bushes rushing inside with excited faces except Wilo whoseems mellow as ever. 

As the whole family sit down to eat they all suddenly feel a rumbling and shaking, so violentthey all almost fall out of their seats. 

They all go outside to check what it is, each turning a different corner instinctively to find outwhat's going on. Eventually Leron screams out: "It's the world tree, a big hole has opened upbeneath it!"

The rest of the royal family members along with the butlers rushed out to the royal garden ina hurry to witness the horror in front of them.

Black clouds of smoke, seeping out of the giant hole under the world tree, while the treeitself slowly blackens the smoke spreads across the garden and knocks everyone out cold inan instant.

Wilo wakes up in a completely foreign space, a white void with stars in the distance. Helooks down to see he's grown as well. As he stands up he hears a mysterious voice. 

"You who are of royal blood, I can offer you power beyond your imagination." The mysteriousvoice spoke, making Wilo tremble to his core just because of the sheer volume and depth ofthe voice speaking to him. 

"Under what conditions?" Wilo asks, barely being able to get the words out of his mouth. 

The voice is silent for a moment as though pondering what the actual conditions of thispower would be. Eventually it breaks the silence and starts shaking the ground as it speaks.

"There are no conditions for this power other than recognition of the one who bestowed itupon you." The voice replied with a flat, deep tone. 

Wilo hesitates to accept the offer, after all whoever is behind all of this could very muchchange their mind and turn on him if they so wished.. 

"And what if I refuse this power you offer me, what happens then?"Wilo exclaims as he crosses his arms waiting for a response. 

"Only one thing waits for you at the end of that path, death." The mysterious voice replieswithout a single hint of emotion. 

Thinking about his options Wilo eventually decides that regardless of the implications ofhaving this mysterious power it would be better than to end up dead right on the spot. 

As soon as the answer crosses his mind his vision fades and the white void scenerycompletely disappears. After a while he hears a voice seemingly calling for him. 

"Rise my child reborn, rise.. Warpner!" The voice resonates throughout Wilo's skull slowlybut surely he forgets everything that had to do with his past life except for his brothers andparents, however their names had also been replaced. 

As Warpner opens his eyes and looks around he sees the garden once again, however thistime converted into a dark purple bark for the trees and pitch black for the grass as well as adeep midnight blue for the sky. He looks down on his hands, his skin having the pattern ofmoving semi-translucent purple spirals with white specks in them. 

As he looks around he sees someone else not too far away from him laying on the ground.He gets closer to inspect who it was. 

"Oh it's just one of my brothers.." He sighs to himself disappointed in his find. 

He hears a whispering voice telling him to wake him up. Without second thought Warpnerdoes exactly that.

"Hey sleepy head, wake up.. Blackout, wake up!" Shaking his brother as much as he can, hetells him continuously to wake up. 

Eventually the black figure with a seemingly white glow around him almost like an outlineopens his eyes revealing what can only be described as black holes to eyes looking atWarpner in bewilderment. 

"The fuck do you want?" Blackout hisses out in irritation looking up and down at Warpner. 

"For your lazy ass to wake up idiot, did you not hear me say it a dozen times?" Warpnerreplies squinting his eyes at Blackout, annoyed at his brother's insolence!

"Alright, I'm a wake. Now what?" Blackout asks looking around to see if anything was out ofthe ordinary. 

Warpner hears the whisper again telling him to go to the throne room, and that everythingwill be clear to him once he does. 

"We're going to the throne room next" Warpner said with an almost commanding tonetowards Blackout. 

*Two chapters will be released every week.

*Also if you are interested in providing illustrations for the characters let me know on discord: shirotatchi.

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