Chapter 4: Intergalactic Invaders |

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"Alright so we know the threat and how to stop them more or less." Whiteout says while hekeeps up with the others. 

"But how are we to acquire these Anti-arcana fields anyway?" Whiteout continues. 

"That's simple, I can simply make them appear whenever I want them to!" Warlock respondswith a jovial tone in his voice. 

"However I won't give them to you without compensation of some kind." He smirks as helooks back at Whiteout in amusement.

"What is it you even want from us anyway, this whole planet is a wasteland as you alreadyknow." Warpner responds to Warlock's demands as he's interested to know why he camehere in the first place. 

"I am in need of a very rare material that would only be possible to find on a planet thisheavily corrupted." Warlock says, as he strokes his face.

"It's somewhat elusive you could say and can take multiple different forms but is only usablein its liquid form." Warlock continues as they exit the castle walls and continue out towardswhat would be the wilderness. 

"Condensed poison fumes would be the best way I can describe it to you." Warlock remarksas he stops in his tracks as he looks up to the sky. 

The three brothers stop as well and look up to the sky. A huge what seems to be a metalvessel floating right above them in the stratosphere. Without warning a white beam shootsdown near them and five tall figures with cloaks and masks covering their faces appear. 

"Well it seems like we'll have to fight these Arbiters a little early." Warlock comments as hegets into a stance as if ready to fight. 

"So are you going to deploy the field or what? We'll help you after this is over!" Blackoutroared as his gaze locked onto the foreign forces.

"It's already active so you've got nothing to worry about pal!" Warlock replied as he dashedtowards the invaders. 

Such speed yet Warpner gets the feeling he's still holding back by a large margin.Regardless he has no time to think about that right now and rushes after him for support. 

Warpner grabs one of.the invaders by the throat and slams him into the ground as hepierces his stomach with his other fist. 

Meanwhile Warlock can be seen dodging the attacks of two of them simultaneously as hecounters every now and then. Clearly not even paying all that much attention. 

Blackout and Whiteout rush in with Blackstone swords they had grabbed on their way outfrom the castle and start putting pressure on one invader each. 

As it starts looking like they're going to win, a sudden flash appears as Blackout is knockedinto a rock nearby, shattering it in small pieces.

"To think the self enforced ruler of this world is so weak as to not even be able to see asimple flanker approaching him." The speedy attacker remarks with a satisfied tone in hisvoice. 

Before Blackout or any of the others could do anything the attack stabs Blackout in the chestwith a spear. Blackouts pupils dilate as he looks at the spear. 

The two brothers and Warlock stand in silence looking on in absolute shock after havingfinished their respective goons. 

"No this can't be right, this was way too easy. And the intel suggested you would be thestrongest among them.." The perpetrator comments as he rips out the spear.

Suddenly Blackout's eyes transform into small white pupils among the darkness and wherethe spear had been impaled a black hole appears sucking in the attacker while stretching hiswhole body causing excruciating pain.He slowly stands up while having a big sinister smile on his face, warping his surroundingsas the black goes power intensifies.

"Shit!" Warlock blurted out and sped forward to Blackout knocking him out with his hand.

"As I suspected, it stopped." Warlock remarks as the black hole in Blackout's abdomentransmutes into his body reversing any previous harm having been afflicted. 

Wasting no time having dealt with the first crisis at hand he turns to the ship. His right eyeglowed red and the pilots quickly redirected the direction of the ship, but it was too late. 

Warlock hovers over the ship as he summons a ball of wild energy and slams it into theglass, exploding the vessel.

"You could've done that this whole time yet you waited until the last possible moment!"Whiteout lashes out at Warlock enraged by the sight he just witnessed. 

"Yes but I had to let it charge up for a while before I could use it." Warlock replies with anawkward smile as he rubs the back of his head. 

"But you owe me extra for doing all the heavy lifting for you guys!" Warlock continues with astern look on his face. 

Both Warpner and Whiteout look at Warlock with an intense glare after the remark. Theyweren't even given a chance to try and do anything before he acted! Regardless of thechance they were given however he was right, he both dispatched the invaders andstabilized Blackout. 

They both sigh in frustration and begrudgingly nod. 

Whiteout walks up to Blackout and picks him up. The gang start moving back to the castle todiscuss their next enemy of interest and compensation for Warlock. 

"Warlock, what are these invaders actually after? No one would put this amount of effort intosimply overthrow a ruler unless they wanted the planet for themselves" Warpner commentsas he looked at Warlock as to try and see if he can get any clues as to what is REALLYgoing on. 

"And seeing as this is a wasteland there has to be some form of resource or something theywant from here." Warpner continues as he puts the pieces together. 

"Clever, really clever. Yes they are most likely here for either rare minerals or forbiddenknowledge hidden by your ancestors millenia ago." Warlock responds as a soft smileappears on his face yet complimented with seemingly sorrowful eyes.

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