Chapter 21: Head Bounty |

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Manta's head pops up as a hologram as he tells Angela that there's an issue in the capitalrequiring her immediate presence.

"But what about Warlock?" She asks, a bit confused by everything that has transpiredrecently. 

"Just put a micro-tracker on the back of my neck if you have one. I have some unfinishedbusiness here I need to take care of." Warlock responds with a soft smile to reassureAngela. 

After all, he knew she wasn't concerned about her mission when she asked that question.

Angela places the tracker on the back of Warlock's neck and as she does she whispers intohis ear: "I put it on a 3 minute delay for the council's end so you don't have to be overlycautious." 

And slips through a portal after having told him that, heading towards the Celestial capital. 

At the capital Jaina and Loyd can be seen running from something. Loyd opens a portal to astorage room they can equip themselves better in for the moment. 

"Who the hell is that guy, he's fast for a cowboy.." Loyd comments as he puts on goldenchainmail and grabs a spear. 

"Do you think I would know that? I've never met a Cowboy in my entire life!" She responds inconfusion as she also puts on the chainmail and grabs a short sword.

"Is that so? Well whatever, let's just deal with his old ass quickly then!" Loyd replies, openinganother portal. 

The cowboy with a cream brown coat, black hat and mechanical horse stop right beforeJaina and Loyd and gets off his horse.

As he does the Horse disintegrates into ashes.

He takes out his two revolvers, glowing a bright blue glow. With a glint in his eye he fires itand it pierces right through Jaina's arm. She shrieks in pain as her ancient cloak activates. 

"Uhoh, you've done fucked up now mister. You've drawn out the wolf within!" Loyd says witha slight bit of concern in his expression. As if he genuinely felt bad for the guy. 

"Fuck me what are those bullets made of? They hurt more than usual!" Jaina says as shequickly regains her balance and starts rushing towards the mysterious cowboy.

"Big mistake missy, now I've got you right where I want you." The ominous cowboycomments as a forcefield covers the two of them. 

"Huh? Why am I slower? Argh you cheap-skate! Can't even fight me without underhandedtactics!" She complaints as her speed rapidly diminishes. 

"And you can't fight people on equal grounds. Your point here?" The cowboy scoffs as helaunches a barrage of bullets all hitting Jaina directly. 

*Shit this will hurt like hell once all of this is over.. whatever at least I'll be alive by the end ofit.* Jaina thinks to herself as her cloak absorbs all the incoming bullets. 

"Uhmm I should probably head in and help her out. That and I want to go back beforebreakfast is over!" Loyd says to himself as he dashes into the fight. 

"Have a taste of this, you ugly edge lord!" Loyd screams as he jumps 10 feet into the airslamming the ground right next to the cowboy. 

He dodges Loyd's attack by an inch and kick him in the stomach creating distance and fireswhat seems to be bullets imbued with frost at Loyd. 

However some pale dark red tentacles protrude out of loyd swallowing the bullets, renderingthem useless. 

"HA, bet you didn't expect that did you?" Loyd responds, distracting the cowboy. Followingup, Jaina batters the cowboy up with her energy claws. 

Or so he thought, he gets hit by the first 2 slashes but blocks the rest without problem andfires a bullet from each gun. The bullets had such force in them they knocked Jaina back 50meters and didn't go further only because her cloak extended its claws and dug them intothe ground.

A portal opens up behind her and Angela comes out of it. 

"Jaina? Why are you.." As Angela processes all the information in front of her she looks upto see the cowboy. 

"Striker.. what are you doing here?" She says in disbelief.

"Long time no see Angela, you don't seem to have changed much after all these years."Striker responds as his one visible eye between his hat shadow and bandana narrows.

"Why are you here.. who's your bounty?" Angela asks, fearing for the worst.

"That would be the girl right in front of you sweet Angela." Striker comments as he tilts hishead slightly in expectation.

Angela goes silent, unsure what to do at this moment. If she goes against him withoutknowing the contractor she could get into a lot of trouble. 

On the other hand Angela knows Jaina is someone of importance to Warlock, would shereally risk tarnishing her relationship with him over something like this? 

"What are you two japping about? Do you have history or something?" Jaina asks, trying tofigure out what the hell is going on. 

"Nothing that would matter to a dead corpse like yourself." Striker says casually as he slowlystands back up on his feet. 

"She might be able to be killed easily given the chance but not me, tough guy." Loyd says ashe stands in between Striker and Jaina. 

"If you want to get to her you'll have to get through me first.." Loyd continues with rapidbreaths. 

"You think standing in my way is going to make it harder for me? "Ha, how naive." Strikersays as he shoots straight through Loyd's torso and right into Jaina's shoulder. 

"Now I will give you a chance to redeem yourself and tell me who hired you, bounty hunter.After that I'll let you go with only a broken rib." A voice can be heard saying from above. 

Everyone looks up and sees Warlock descend slowly right in front of Striker's face.

"You would be wise to heed my advice, small fry." He continues with a pair of serious eyesstaring down the bounty hunter. 

"I don't disclose personal information about my client's buddy." Striker replies.

Everyone is completely stunned at the sight of Warlock and just watches in awe the wholesituation. 

"Wrong answer." Warlock said coldly as a light katana materialized.

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