Chapter 14: Taking a Stand |

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The tension only gets higher and higher in the council room. Deafening silence spreadsthroughout the room. Broken by Manta clearing his throat. 

"Anyway, what we Brought you here for in truth was to ask for your help eliminating theCosmic Titan having been born from this event." He says with shame written all over hisface. 

"As hell I will! Those three were essentially like an extended family to me though I didn't tellthem that, and I know they're still in there somewhere!" Warlock roars at Manta's suggestion. 

"I can understand having to make sure they get put down for safety reasons but I will not bethe one doing that to them, not when you have more than enough personnel capable ofhandling this instead!" He continues, clearly angry at this absurd request. 

"Warlock we have no idea of what this Titan is capable of, all we know is that it's at LEASTcapable of wiping omniverses. You are the most qualified person to deal with this!" Mantarebuttals, adamant that Warlock go and take care of this. 

"Absolutely not, I am not going to slaughter my own friends for the benefit of your ease ofmind." Warlock shuts it down repeatedly, not even giving it a second thought. 

Manta sighs loudly. 

"Fine, however there is one last thing. Orion told us to relay to you that he wants you to takecare of something else in the outer sectors." Manta says as he relents the idea of makingWarlock kill the Cosmic Titan causing them so much grief right now. 

What does he want me to do all the way out there?" Warlock questions, as he finds thisrequest very strange. Especially from Orion, his boss.

"I don't know, he only told me to relay the information to you so I assume he wants you toreport to him for further details first." 

Without saying another word, Warlock stands up and walks out of the palace. He decides tomake some preparations before meeting with Orion. 

Tales of the Forgotten: Cosmical ResetWhere stories live. Discover now