Chapter 24: Charelroose |

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In a place called the Kumiho Domain, Lagoon and Archie can be found discussing futureplans as well as the immediate next course of action.

"So how come you've chosen the Kumiho Domain exactly?" Archie asks curious as to what'sso special about it. 

"The Kumiho Domain is one of many places in our cosmos that isn't dependent onsomething else. Meaning if we find the core of it we can shape it to our will, make the rulesof it and therefore weaponize it as a domain in our favor." Lagoon replies as he scansthrough what looks like holo-pads. 

"Furthermore, we can also use its base attributes to our favor. Since it's a web of untouchedmatteria, anything that gets created with it duplicates." Lagoon continues as he throwsanother holo-pad away. 

"Ahhh so that's why you wanted this Sphere specifically. There is just a slight problem with itall. How do we find its core anyway?" Archie questions as he looks around what the commonfolk would call the Web of creation since most elements originated from this very Web called,Arcom's Web. 

"We simply have to find the equation for its creation and we can put together the rightmatteria to make it pop up." Lagoon half responded as he continues digging.

"So it's like one big puzzle in other words." Archie sighs as he turns around and startsinspecting all the different matteria and elements on the strings.

"Finally, I found it. It is said you need five grams of pure diamond dust, two grams ofCarbodium and 15 grams of crystallized Torellium." Lagoon shouts to Archie who's a couplemeters away. 

"Got it." Archie responds, deep in thought. If utilized right he could make some greatweapons of God killer grade, in here.

"Alright so how do we get this crystallized Torellium, cause I'm able to create the rest noproblem." Archie finally responds properly as he walks up to Lagoon with a hand on his hip. 

"I can get it done, just give me an hour and it should be done." Lagoon says as he startswalking over to the Web. 

"Alright sounds like a plan, buddy!" Archie says and proceeds to go to the Web on the otherside, plucking away. 

After an hour of rigorous mixing they both finally finish their individual substances.Now for just mixing them together with each other for the climax! 

As they start mixing and stirring, hoping for it to work in hopes of not having to waste anotherhour to test a different method. 

Eventually the crucible starts glowing and starts morphing with all the materials into whatlooks like a codex of sorts. 

Lagoon flips the first page and on it, it says: 'Needs the feather of truth to forge the rules ofMultitude onto fruishion.'

"Are you fucking sitting me..." Archie says defeated.

"All of that detailed mixing just for another fucking quest of a chore." He continues, sitting onthe ground now. 

"You have to realize this is to change the rules of this place completely, it was never going tobe as easy as make the codex." Lagoon interjects as he turns to the last page where theformula is at. 

Archie sighs. 

"Yeah you're right. Alright so what does the codex say about the formula?" He begrudginglyasks.

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