Chapter 9: Beneficial Relations |

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After about 2 hours Loyd finally makes his way back to the castle. He thinks to himself thathe must've knocked the woman out to damn near death if she still hasn't woken up. 

Warlock sees Loyd approaching with Jaina's body from the balcony on the highest floor. Helooks very pleased with Loyd's actions and tells the guards below to open the gate. 

As he walks down the hall he goes into the royal garden and calls for the brothers to meet inthe cellar. 

Jaina can feel her head throbbing as she slowly opens her eyes to find herself in a cellarwith five familiar figures staring at her. 

"What are you staring at me for? You guys were the ones who put me in this predicament!"She shouted angrily at her captors with a hateful look in her eyes. 

"Now with all due respect Jaina, YOU were the one who raided the ruins, and the tomb."Warlock states as he looks at Jaina crossing his arms like a disappointed father. 

"Not only that, when you were offered a chance to explain yourself or talk it out you decidedto fight instead." He continues as he looks down to the ground and sighs. 

"However we are willing to free you with some conditions in place." Warpner adds, having analmost sympathetic look in his eyes. 

"You help us with some tasks that need to be done, and we'll repair your ship and let youwalk away with SOME artifacts." Warpner continues changing his demeanor completely. 

"I will not work with you guys, I have no reason to trust you just as you have no reason totrust me!" Jaina rebuttals getting fired up once again. 

Warlock approaches the cell bars and squats down in front of Jaina. 

"Haven't you clocked it yet? You are at our mercy right now. You can't fix your ship withoutour resources and you can't fly away without our permission." Warlock explains as his gazehardens on Jaina. 

She senses a cold and dangerous aura from Warlock. Could he have been sent by the highcelestials? No he would've killed her or taken her away by now if that was the case. 

"So either you accept our generous terms and help us or stay in this rotting cell as we tortureyou each and every single day that you decide not to cooperate." Warlock continues, he cansee clearly through her eyes that Jaina is terrified and wonders what kind of monster he isexactly. A big sadistic smile emerges on Warlock's face analyzing this detail.

"So what will it be? Jaina, the legendary artifact hunter of Malekith 86?" Warlock continuesand stares intently, waiting for an answer. 

"You don't give me much of a choice, fine I'll help you. Only cause I would rather not betortured with god knows what methods. Jaina responds as she sinks her head in defeat. 

"Great! It seems we have come to an agreement then!" Warlock responds with a big grin onhis face clearly amused having managed to pacify this ferocious beast of a woman. 

They release Jaina from her cell and Warpner show her the way to her designated roomwhere she can leave her belongings, supplies or just simply relax in. 

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