Chapter 22: Consequences |

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Warlock raises his sword and slices right through Striker's arm, however it doesn't fall to theground. 

"I could reverse my slash, however if you move as much as a millimeter your arm will falloff." Warlock comments looking Striker dead in the eyes. 

"So I will ask you again, who hired you?" Warlock doesn't even blink, just stares Strikerdown. 

"Dr F hired me to take care of that lady over there for one of his experiments or someth-"Striker gets cut short as Warlock slices his throat in the blink of an eye. 

"I asked who hired you, I didn't ask nor did I want to know why. I simply want to pay thisperson a visit and get rid of him personally." Warlock says with a cold glare as he sheaths hissword, disappearing right as it's in the scabbard. 

In that instant all of the slash wounds heal and Striker can move once again. 

As he stands up Warlock grabs his shoulder and thrusts his right hand into Striker's chest,ripping out a rib from him. 

"This is your debt now paid, you're free to go!" Warlock says with a big smile on his face,signaling that the deal is over but also that Striker's stay is up in this city. 

"Now choo! Get the fuck outta here!" Warlock hisses at the rugged cowboy having beenscared shirtless within a matter of seconds. 

He summons his metal horse and rides into a portal, escaping the scene. 

A big crowd had formed around the gang without being aware. They all look around themand see hundreds upon hundreds looking at them dumbfounded. 

"What are you guys looking at? It's all over so get back to your jobs!" Warlock screams soeveryone could hear him, waving his arms around. 

The crowd slowly disperses and goes back to their daily life. Warlock sighs in relief as heturns around to Loyd, Jaina and Angela. 

"Are you guys alright?" He asks with a worried tone in his voice. 

"I mean considering I've gotten a hole blown through me I feel alright." Loyd responds with aslight smile. 

"Could've been better but-" Jaina stops as she deactivates her cloak. The spirit wolf appearsagain ready to take a bite but Warlock shoves his arm between them. 

The wolf disappears and Warlock seems to be unaffected by the wolf's bite

"Wow.. thanks for that, didn't expect you to be willing to take a hit for me." Jaina says with ashocked expression on her face. 

"Huh really? I legit just saved you from a lethally deadly bounty hunter so of course I wouldbe willing to do that!" Warlock responds, slightly offended at this remark but shrugs it off. 

Angela can be seen looking away from the others with her arms crossed. She seemsdispleased for some reason.

"Huh, Angela, is something the matter?" Warlock asks as he sees her turned away fromeveryone. 

"No, everything's perfectly fine." She responds and starts walking in towards the city.

Warlock rolls his eyes at this comment, not buying it for a second. But neither can he bebothered to argue against it and decides to just follow her. 

Jaina and Loyd decide to follow them into the city and while walking around Loyd asks:"Where are we headed exactly?"

Warlock in front of him simply shrugs and it becomes really silent all of a sudden. With thetension in the air rising. 

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