Chapter 19: Contractual Obligation |

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Angela arrives in the town's Square, near where the local hotspot cafes are located. Shequickly spots Warlock among the crowds and starts to follow him to a very fancy lookingcafe. 

Though Angela is popular among the people they know better than to disturb her when she'sout and about. But some do wonder what she's doing, going to a cafe at this time andwhispers can be heard through the streets as people start speculating.

Angela blends into the shadows of an alley near the cafe as she watches it for Warlock'sreturn. 

An hour and a half goes by and Warlock finally exits the cafe and opens a portal in front ofhimself. As he passes through Angela quickly rushes in as well as to not lose track of him. 

"Well well well you finally decided to show yourself huh?" Warlock remarks as he looksstraight into Angela's eyes.

"I was wondering when you were going to decide to make yourself known to me. Although Iwas aware of you following me this whole time." He continues as he crosses his arms,raising one of his eyebrows.

"S-shut up, I'm doing this to keep an eye on you." Says Angela slightly flustered at havingbeen found out. 

"Yeah I'm sure that's the reason. Just admit that you were worried about me." Warlock sayswith a teasing smile on his face. 

"Nope, not even in the slightest! Why would I ever worry about you for?" Angela answers inretaliation. 

"Is that truly how you feel about me Angela?" Warlock asks with a serious look in his eyessuddenly. 

"Huh, um well.." She starts as she was caught off guard by his sudden serious nature. 

"Oh ummm am I interrupting something here?" A foreign voice can be heard saying as lightfootsteps draw closer.

"Why hello there, who are you exactly?" Warlock asks with a semi-joking tone as he slowlyrecovers from his interaction with Angela. 

"The names Sans! But I'm sure that doesn't exactly narrow it down for you. So just call meArchie." Says the voice as an average height skeleton with a Grey and midnight blue trenchcoat going down to his kneecaps and trainers on. 

"Really now? Truly unremarkable I'll level with you. Down right pathetic." Warlock expressesas his eyes start narrowing as if filled with hatred almost. 

"You know there are a lot of things I hate in this world but one thing I hate more thananything else is vermin like you. Those that simply exist to inconvenience others by anymeans necessary." Warlock continues as his lips start to quiver in anger and his eyes rapidlydilate. 

"Warlock.. calm down I don't think that's what he was trying to do.." Angela says, trying tocalm down Warlock but she can't help but feel scared. 

"Angela, you couldn't even answer a simple question of mine and now you try to tell me,someone of higher understanding than you, what is and is not?" Warlock lashes back angrilyat Angela.

He then turns back to Archie and fires an energy orb from his fingertips at him.However Archie simply clasped his hand down on the energy bullet so to speak with minimaleffort. 

"Ah, it seems you've failed to understand your situation here pal. You're not even close tobeing the most powerful among the common realms. Even if everyone tells you differently."Archie says in a monotone voice as his right eye starts glowing crimson red.

"And it would seem you need to be put in your place!" He continues as a wide sinister faceforms on his skull dashing towards Warlock at incredible speed. 

Warlock barely manages to dodge Archies punch but quickly gets blasted away by what canonly be described as a beast skull.

"Neat huh? There's more where that came from!" Archie grins as he prepares several moreblasters. 

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