Chapter 3: Unfavorable Odds |

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"I'm not sure what you're up to exactly Warlock but we don't have much of a choice in thematter." Blackout said, arms crossed with his head down seeming really troubled over thepredicament they've found themselves in. 

"Absolutely splendid sir!" Warlock beams with a huge smile on his face as he snaps hisfingers. 

"Absolutely splendid sir!" Warlock beams with a huge smile on his face as he snaps hisfingers. 

The atmosphere in the room all of a sudden became really intense, whispers being heardfrom every nook and cranny in the room. Warpner looks around in distress, confused andscared over what might possibly be next.

Just then a figure from the darkness approaches him reaching out its hand. Just beforeWarpner can grab it, it disappears in smoke and out of it comes Warlock as if he had beenstanding there the whole time. 

"Boo!" Warlock screamed, catching Warpner off guard making him trip and fall down. 

"Don't look so surprised, did you seriously think I would believe that numbskull to be theactual mastermind at play here?" Warlock remarked looking at Warpner with a smug look yetwith a glimmer of disdain. 

Warpner stays silent as he looks Warlock deep into his deep green eyes, as if trying to starehim down. 

"What I want to know though is why when you had the chance to take the crown for yourselfand lead your kingdom to a much more prosperous time.. you didn't."Warlock says in an almost mocking tone with a hint of disappointment as he looks down onthe ground and back to Warpner.

"I have my reasons as I'm sure you're aware nor do I have to answer your questions if I don'tfeel like that info is relevant to you." Warpner replies, keeping his cold glare locked ontoWarlock.

"Right of course, how stupid of me. I don't think I made myself clear, you will either tell me orI'll carve you wide open right here and now." Warlock announce as he bends down and getright into Warpners face. 

"So what'll it be, Prince of the Careon's?" Warlock says staring right back into Warpner'seyes with a soul piercing glare. 

"Fine I'll tell you if you're that desperate to know." Warpner comments as he sighs and takesa deep breath.

Meanwhile outside of the throne room there is a platoon of elite guards standing at theready, making sure no one goes in or out of the throne room without authorization. 

"They've been in there rather long don't you think? Their meetings never take this long."Says one of the guards while having a weary expression on his face looking over to one ofthe other guards. 

"They did mention something about potentially expanding the kingdom so it makes sense itwould take longer than usual Kai, try and not give it too much thought." The other guardsays, trying to reassure his comrade. But he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn'tworried himself. 

As he finishes his thought the grand doors start to slowly open and out comes the threebrothers along with Warlock. 

"First of your obstacles if my information is correct should be the Arbiters of Paleonosis, adistant world from here." Warlock explains as the four of them make their way out of thethrone room. 

"They're well versed in the magical arts so it would be best to make use of anti-arcana fieldsto force them to use melee or any range weapons they might have." Warlock continues ashe makes a magical illusion to visualize for the three brothers what the idea behind the fieldtraps is. 

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