Chapter 6: Peculiar Deserter |

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A little while later Warlock had gone to take care of some urgent matter he said and thebrothers were searching for a material strong enough to withstand the acidity of the liquidleaking from the world tree after trying various vessels.

Countless.materials, shapes and methods of containment and yet everything has failed,dejected the boys are sitting outside of a cave opening taking a break. 

"This is a waste of our effort! Why are we even here trying to contain this liquid?" Blackoutsnaps, frustrated at their continued failures to complete their task.

"Haven't you realized it yet? We are at his mercy and this is the least we can do to get on hisgood side for now." Warpner remarked agitated at his brother's lack of observation skills. 

"Just feel like we should have at least some lackeys to do it at least, we are royalty after all."Blackout continued as he looked into the distant purple sand dunes. 

"Wait a minute, didn't mom and dad say they were gonna be back later this week, it's been 2months since they left after all." Whiteout said as his eyes started beaming in excitement.

Before anyone could reply a loud crash could be heard nearby. The three brothers lookaround the corner of the cave opening and see someone head first into the sand. 

"Shh, stand ready. We don't know where he came from or why he's here." Warpnercomments while crouching near the edge of the cave wall. 

As they observe the man in the sand dune from a distance, they notice something isn't rightabout him. He's got a tattered up yellow and green suit with purple shorts with orange andred patches on it. Parts on his body have brown marks that almost look like burns or oldflesh wounds.

The man finally gets his head off the sand and dark brown hair can be seen flowing with thesandstorm. His left eye has a big gray mark on it with a brown eye color and a light green forthe right eye. 

"Um excuse me, can I help you? Or rather can you help us help me to help you?" The manasked as he had noticed Warpner and the others peeking around the wall. 

"Say what now? What you just said made no sense." Blackout responded with a bewilderedlook on his face. 

"Ah my bad, I'm Loyd!" The man with his scruffy hair, says enthusiastically as he reaches outhis hand as if looking for a handshake

"...." all three of the brothers stand in silence, wondering whether this guy is messing withthem or if he's just like this. 

"I'm Warpner, the white guy over there is Whiteout and the black one is Blackout, mybrothers. However you're still not making any sense.." Warpner said taking initiative in thishorrendous situation. 

"Oh really? What was it I was trying to do again?" Loyd says as he scratches his chin tryingrackle his brain trying to figure out what he was talking about. 

"Something about helping you.. helping 'us' whatever that means." Whiteout commentslooking intently at the stranger before him for any sign of intelligence. 

"Ahhhhh I see now, oh well I forgot about it anyways so doesn't make a fucking differencenow! Let's just have some fun!" Loyd shouts without a worry in the world as he raises hisarms up in excitement. 

Everyone else looked at him with a surprised and slightly irritated expression onto Loyd butthey could use the extra hand. 

"Uhh yeah alright then, how about you come with us and help lift some valuable ores?!"Warpner says trying his best to sound excited. 

"Bro that was not convincing in the slightest, my dead grandma could do a better job atacting than you!" Loyd responds as a form of friendly banter as he awkwardly smiles atWarpner. 

But all he got back was an ice cold stare. While making his way deeper into the cave.

"Ouch tough crowd, you know you could at least try and liven up a little." Loyd suggestedwhile crossing his arms behind his head as he followed Warpner and the others in. 

They get a ton of Maronorium as Warpner called it loaded up into a metal wagon and oncefull they allow Loyd to pull it to the Kingdoms blacksmith to process and craft into crystalclear red vials to contain the mysterious liquid produced by the world tree. 

"Woho it's like crystal clear dude!" Loyd exclaims as he sees the finished product be takenout of the glass oven.

"Yes you idiot we told you that's what it was used for before!" Blackout barks, ever soannoyed by Loyds carefree and dim-witted behavior. 

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