Chapter 8: Challenge Point |

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Warlock examines the samples in the vials taken by the others. He doesn't seem all thatimpressed but yet he's deep in thought. 

What possible properties can it have that would be of benefit to the high celestials.. heponders as he puts them away in a portal to store them. 

Meanwhile Loyd had decided to go around the outskirts to explore the planet he now findshimself on. The air feels dense and the gravity is much higher than he's used to. 

As he wanders he eventually finds something that looks like a tomb. He pauses and starts tothink about what he should do. 

"Wait, what was I doing again?" He says out loud and turns to the tomb entrance. 

"Oh look, a tomb!" He yells and proceeds inside. 

Loyd examines all the murals, paintings and engravings in the coffins and walls but doesn'treally retain any information about them or meaning whatsoever. 

"Damnit someone seems to be here!" A voice can be heard saying from the room up ahead. 

Loyd decides to go and investigate.It's Jaina, looting one of the coffins.

"You seem very alike to the description Warpner gave me of that girl who was looting thelocal ruins.." Loyd said skeptically while looking her up and down. 

"So what brings you here stranger!?" Loyd asks with a glimmering sparkle in his eye. 

"What difference does it make to you?" Jaina responds with a stern expression, continuingher search for artifacts. 

"Jeeez this planet is filled with a bunch of party poopers it seems. Can at least ONE of yoube somewhat happy?" Loyd responds irritated at the fact that just telling him their name istoo much to ask on this planet. 

"Did you even pay attention while you were outside? This isn't a very charming planet andit's clear it's the home of very dangerous beings and phenomena!" Jaina says sternly toLoyd, scolding him like a little kid. 

His parasite reacts instinctively and fleshy tentacles start coming out of his back as hisscleras turn black once again. 

Jaina had already planned to attack him but seeing how his body suddenly changed in theslightest hint of danger she decided to gauge its combative capabilities instead. 

She approaches it with a minimal amount of speed and slashes at it to see how it wouldreact. Right before the dagger could connect Loyd was completely gone from her vision. 

"All I wanted was your name, lady." Loyd says with a distorted voice as he grabs her headand slams her into the ground. 

She kicks him in the chest and manages to get out of his grip, having been slammed into theground, Jaina's spirit cloak had been activated to allow her an escape from Loyd's viciousgrip. 

"Don't touch me you creep! I want nothing to do with you or your friends!" She responds witha face of disgust as she looks at Loyd. 

"Now that was just uncalled for. You were the one who attacked me first after all." Loydresponds as his eyes narrow in on his target. 

He releases a green gas from his body and disappears completely from Jaina's sight. 

"Where did you go, you slick bastard.." She mumbled to herself as she tried to locate whereexactly he went. 

She then feels a cold touch on her shoulder, as she turns around Loyd knocks her out coldwith a single punch and starts carrying her over his shoulder, walking towards the castle.

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