Chapter 5: Relics of the Past |

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It's been two weeks since the incursion attempt on Carreon and the castle has been heavilyfortified since to at least buy time if they return. There has been no breakthrough in findingthe liquid Warlock is after and the three brothers are getting anxious and nervous about whatwill happen if they don't find it fast. 

Warlock on the other hand already knows where to find it, he simply wants to gauge the fullcapabilities of the three brothers before he proceeds with his own plan.

All four are situated in the throne room currently discussing previous events and theprecautions to be taken moving forward. 

"If we go out during the day we can scout the planet with relative ease without anydisturbances." Warpner spoke as he started to tire from sitting around doing nothing. 

"This is true but if you did that Blackout would be exposed and made a prime target, in hiscurrently weakened state it would only end one way and that's sure death." Warlockcommented as he looked Warpner deep in the eyes. 

After a couple of seconds Warpner felt a sharp pain in his left eye and looked away quickly. 

Just as the room fell silent a guard came bursting through the door. 

"An unauthorized spacecraft has landed my lord, it appears to be a woman with emeraldgreen eyes, with a slightly tanned skin and deserter clothes on." The guard shouts as if hebarely escaped death. 

"What type of clothes exactly? Were they.. revealing?" Blackout asked with an unusual lookon his face. 

Everyone turned to him with a disgusted look on their faces. The ruler of an entire planet andthinks like a perverted 12 year old. 

"Negative sir, she was mostly covered up by a cloak as well as a signature veil of deserters!"The guard replied as he continued to breathe heavily. 

Meanwhile out in the middle of some ruins a tanned short woman walks out of a spacecraftand looks around to scout her surroundings. 

"Quite the wasteland we've found ourselves in this time huh Sprits?" The mysterious womanexclaims as she gets a bark in response as ghostly pale green flames pop out of her skin alittle.

"Well I don't have a good feeling about this place so hopefully this ruin has more thanenough to make the trip worthwhile." She continues as she proceeds into the ruins withvigilance. 

As Warlock and the three brothers arrive at the ruin as the guard had instructed them whilealmost passing out they notice some footsteps in the sand going into the ruins. 

"What could she possibly want with the ruins?" Blackout asked as he raised one eyebrow inconfusion. 

"Whatever the reason, it must have something to do with either wealth or power, both ofwhich we could benefit from." Whiteout responds with a stern look towards the entrance ofthe ruins. 

"Though I'm not quite sure yet I have a feeling this is an artifact looter from the outer rim."Warlock comments as he examines the footprints a bit closer with his mana tracing ability.

"And a powerful one at that, so stay on guard." Warlock continues giving the three brothers aserious look. 

They all nod in agreement and continue with caution deeper into the ruin. 

As they go deeper and deeper into the ancient halls of the ruins there can be seen muralsdepicting various events. One seems to depict a sort of darkness from the world treeseeping out consuming the world around it. 

Warpner thinks a bit and then asks: "What color was the liquid you were searching for againWarlock?"

Warlock stops in front of the brothers with a big grin on his face. 

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