Chapter 10: Change |

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Months go by, and the mysterious invaders from before make continuous attempts tooverthrow the current ruler Blackout. Jaina along with Loyd however make quick work oftheir ships with their innate abilities of destruction. Meanwhile the three brothers, Warpner,Blackout and Whiteout clean up any stragglers that made their way onto the planet's surface. 

They had just made quick work of another attempt at controlling their world as they seesomething in the atmosphere passing by over their heads, but it seems to have a forcefieldof some kind since neither Loyd or Jaina could damage it. 

"I suggest we follow it by foot and see where it lands." Says Jaina as she readies aMaronorium spear crafted from the leftovers from making the vials. 

"I agree, let's get going!" Whiteout replies and starts sprinting after the aircraft. 

The rest follow suit in hopes of catching whoever was piloting it off guard.It didn't seem like a vessel of the invading force recently but it could be another force lookingto establish a base on the planet. 

They eventually see it landing but no one is coming out of it. The 5 of them decide to set upcamp nearby outside of sight range if someone were to come out suddenly. 

"I was meant to ask this before but how long will it be until your ship is fixed Jaina?" Warpnerasks as he bites down on some bread. 

"It should be done in an hour or so from now. Why do you ask?" She has a curious look onher face since not long ago they were willing to torture her without remorse. 

"I was just curious about how our end of the deal was going is all." Warpner responds as hesits down next to the campfire.

"Yo dude just say you'll miss her man, it's alright!" Loyd shouts from one of the tents trying tofind something to drink. 

"Miss me huh, I have a hard time believing that. You probably want me gone from this planetas soon as possible." Jaina responds as she takes a sip of water. 

"He's not entirely wrong. These past few months have made me appreciate you and Loyd aswell for that matter as outsiders I guess you would say." Warpner seem almost sad whilesaying it almost like he's about to lose life long friends or something. 

"Why if this isn't a tear jerking moment then I don't know what is!" A voice can be heard frombehind Warpner. 

They all turn to look who it is and are greeted with a familiar slender figure. 

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Warlock says as soon as everyone starts lookingat him. 

"No, just surprised you managed to find us out here is all." Blackout responds as he sitsdown with his own piece of bread and starts chomping. 

"That so.. well I seemed you and your brothers out specifically Blackout!" Warlock escalatesas a slight smile appears on his face. 

"Oh no I know that face, don't even start! We are not doing it!" Blackout says hastily knowingfull well Warlock is about to suggest something outrageous. 

"You guys still owe me, besides you'll thank me for this one!" Warlock beams with excitementfor the first time in months. 

He reaches into his coat and pulls out three vials with distinct colourations.One is red with hints of black, another is green with hints of orange and another is blue withhints of purple. 

"I want each of you to take one of these Perfected potions I have here. They will give each ofyou different abilities and should also just increase your raw physical capabilities." Hecontinues looking as proud as ever. 

"I wouldn't trust him if I were you guys, his entire existence is a mystery." Jaina remarks asshe is clearly filled with skepticism. 

"Well that's a bit rich coming from you don't you think? Ambiguity is essentially your middlename to anyone that isn't Celestial!" Warlock responds as he tilts his head at her. 

"Now you three grab a flask before I force feed them to you!" He continues as he pointstowards the vials.

Blackout grabs the green one, Whiteout the blue one and Warpner the red one. As they alldown the contents of the vials they can feel their bodies becoming lighter, more rejuvenated. 

Blackout summons a black hole with no effort and crushes it just as easily with his hand afterdrinking his share. 

Whiteout manages to summon a white hole and, like his brother desummons it with ease soas to not cause any destruction around them. 

Warpner can see a wormhole in his hand, he throws it at the ground and it forms whatseems to be a pocket dimension. 

"Huh this is actually pretty cool. For once you weren't up to something shady and ridiculousgrandpa!" Blackout said in a mocking tone. 

"Watch who you're calling grandpa, I can still skin you alive if I wanted to. But yes thePerfected potion is essentially a potential awakener." Warlock says and shrugs to escalatethe conversation. 

Suddenly a hatch can be heard opening from the ship around the hill. 

"Guys it seems our prey has finally revealed itself!" Jaina exclaimed to get the attention ofeveryone else. 

"What are we waiting for then let's go!" Loyd said ready to pounce. 

They make their way to the ship as fast as possible and ambush the man who made theirway out of the ship. He's tall with a decently muscular frame, big black Cape with some formof metal shoulder pads and short silver hair. 

As they got close they could feel a very strong aura around him as if they got two timesheavier just being around him. 

"Hey, what do you think you're doing here ya old bloke!" Blackout said in irritation trying toget the attention of the big man. 

"My name is Taro, and what kind of wyrm are you to speak to me in that manner?" The tallman replies. 

"Says the one just landing on our planet without speaking to us or identifying yourselfbeforehand!" Blackout responds, getting increasingly angrier. 

"And how do you expect me to do such a thing even if I wanted to abide by your rules? Youhave no form of technology here let alone a com center!" Taro responds as he opens his eyewith a scar on it revealing a hollow space with a red shining light within it.

"Now wait a minute, you three must be the heirs of the throne on this planet. Boy do I have asurprise for you three!" He continues going back into his ship, when he returns he hassomething in both of his hands. 

As the brothers lay eyes on what he's taken out with him they all wide and the moodcompletely changes in the air. 

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