Chapter 18: Transcendent Power match |

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Warlock dashes towards Typhoon trying to land multiple punches and blows but they all getblocked by his opponent without any difficulty. 

He decides to speed up and throw his punches even faster yet no success. 

Typhoon counters with a palm strike towards the stomach knocking Warlock back hundredsof thousands of Kilometers away. 

"Heh, seems you got quite the upgrade with that fusion huh. Cause I have a feeling its youWarpner who is truly speaking through this new body. After all you were always the brains."Warlock comments on the powerful palm strike as he wipes a drop of blood from his mouth. 

He then proceeds to try range attacks instead as a new strategy. Finger laser after fingerlaser. Yet they all get dodged by Typhoon. As Warlock was about to launch a full palm blastTyphoon teleports right in front of him standing right where the blast will go off, catching himoff guard. Typhoon stands still, tanking the full palm blast without even a speck of dust onhim afterwards. 

"Heh, cute." Typhoon comments as he stares at Warlock with a glance he is all too familiarwith. 

"But not good enough" He continues and grabs Warlock's arm, pulling him closer as heplaces the other hand on his chest. Firing of a small energy blast, knocking the wind out ofWarlock completely.

As Warlock wakes up he sees Typhoon sitting right next to him as he had created awelcoming beach scene for when Warlock would wake up. 

"About time sleepy head, you like the beach I created for you?" Typhoon comments with agrin on his face, confirming Warlock wasn't even close to being a challenge for him. 

"Don't patronize me! You know damn well I'm in no mood for these shenanigans after whatyou did!" Warlock says, agitated that those who used to be his 3 and only pupils in a sensehave now transcended all of his abilities in an instant.

"That said, I'm pretty impressed. Your abilities dwarf even my own of which is seen asgodlike already!" Warlock continues as he brightens up a little, realizing his accidentalsuccess! 

"Ah crap I forgot! I was meant to report back to Orion right when I finished our duel! Sorry tocut it short, but I'll make sure to come visit from time to time." Warlock says as he finallyscrambled together his mind.

As Typhoon nods in response, Warlock teleports out of there leaving for the Celestial city, asOrion had specifically asked him to meet in a local establishment there. 

Having followed Warlock, Angela had witnessed the entire battle for herself, though she wastempted to intervene, she knew if the Titan could dispatch him that easily, she stood nochance as well. 

She overhears Warlock talking to himself about some Caffè in the Celestial city's Centralmarketplace. 

She quickly opens a portal there but senses a sudden sharp glare at her. The Cosmic Titanhad been made aware of her presence. She quickly hops through the portal before he coulddo anything and makes it back without a scratch. 

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