Chapter 7: Operation Goop |

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"Did you? Oops, it seems like I forgot." Loyd says clearly not paying it much mind as hecontinues to watch the blacksmith at work. 

As the blacksmith finishes up the vials, Warpner has gone into the castle and up to the worldtree observing it while he waits for the vials.

He ponders why exactly the tree would be leaking such dangerous and foul liquids if it is tobe called the literal WORLD tree. 

"Were you always like this Gamanjhul? Beautiful on the outside but rotten and poisonous onthe inside.." Warpner mumbles to himself with a big sigh. He closes his eyes as he drops hishead. 

"What are ya standing here being all gloomy for pal?! You will finally be able to store thisweird goop somewhere!" Loyd says all jovial as he approaches Warpner. 

"It's a long story.. anyway get a vial each and scoop as much liquid you can without burningyourselves." Warpner says as he grabs a vial from the trolley Whiteout had brought with himon the way up with the others. 

"May I ask, why exactly did you come to this planet, Loyd? If you even have any clue that is."Whiteout asked as he was concentrating on not getting any acid on his hands as he scoopedup the liquid. 

"Huh? No I don't know any real rea-" loyd all of a sudden stop mid sentence. His eyes' scleraturn from white into black and he continues speaking again:"I came here to learn about my past from a certain individual unmatched in gathering intel."He says as his eyes slowly revert back to pure whites. 

"Seems I came just in time, so what have I missed?" Warlock questions as he sees a newface as he enters the royal garden. 

"Why if it isn't the parasite barer Loyd himself in the flesh!" He continues with clearexcitement in his voice as he approaches the group. 

"I must say however, you will find this dimension much harder to swallow than your own!Ahaha" Warlock jokes as he grabs Loyd's shoulder and starts ruffling his hair. 

"Say what now?" Blackout says with a concerned look on his face as he looks back at Loyd. 

"Oh yeah he swallowed up everyone and everything in the 51st dimension with his parasite,it was quite the spectacle!" Warlock shouts, hoping it would cause the brothers to be fearfulof Loyd. He wanted to see how far their trust goes. 

"Why didn't you make us aware of this Loyd? It would be a good thing to know before gettinginvolved, you know.." Whiteout says in a tone that makes it sound like he's been betrayed bya long time friend.

"Well honestly, I don't remember even doing something like that dude! That's why!" Loydresponded nervously even though he firmly believes in what he's saying. 

"Well honestly, I don't remember even doing something like that dude! That's why!" Loydresponded nervously even though he firmly believes in what he's saying. 

"Something to that effect, due to his connection with the parasite they share aconsciousness each but the parasite slowly decays parts of his brain while trying toregenerate other bits after battle." Warlock remarks, crossing his arms, lifting Loyd's face toget a closer look. 

"Naturally this would cause a form of dementia as well as amnesia in certain cases, hencemaking it hard to recount any experience or events regarding any form of battle." Warlockcontinues as he lets go of Loyd's head.

"Regardless, that is not of importance right now! I see you've managed to gather what Iasked you for at last. Splendid." Warlock says with a neutral demeanor as if not excited bythe outcome. 

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