Chapter 23: Evil Mendings |

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Archie, still stuck between realms, holds his chest wound. The healing factor hasn't kicked inyet.. why's that? He thinks to himself. 

"Your wound isn't healing because it was burnt by pure cosmic energy. The will of thecosmos if you will." A voice can be heard from behind Archie.

"A plague doctor? " Archie questions as he turns around. 

"Not a bad guess, you poor lost soul. However it's not quite right." The plague doctorresponds.

"My professional name is Dr. F, however you can call me Lagoon. Never liked all theseformalities anyway." Lagoon continues as he takes off the Plague mask and reveals a metalmask with a smiling face and green tear streaks running down from the eyes.

"Heh, you're quite the mysterious figure. More so than the fucker who just cut me.." Archiescoffs as he feels himself weakening.

"Mmmm, I get that a lot. However I didn't come here to chat, but rather purpose apartnership." Lagoon says as he takes out an injection needle. 

"Oh yeah? What for?" Archie asks as he feels himself slowly fading.

Lagoon sticks the injection needle into Archie. His wound almost instantly heals. 

"Simple, with your raw talent and my impeccable intellect we will be unstoppable. Not tomention I can heal any sustained damage you take after a battle." Lagoon explains as hisglare becomes cold and he stands up right.

"Is that it? Just the simple implications of what could happen if we teamed up is enough foryou?" Archie snickers as he finishes speaking. 

"For someone so allegedly smart you don't exactly think a lot of things through." Archiecontinues. 

"I have plans, you simply don't need to know them until I know I can actually trust you withthis." Lagoon responds and his eyes start to narrow as he stares at Archie.

"That so.. alright I'll take back what I said. You're better at this than I thought. However, don'tthink you can take advantage of me, cause my intellect is not to be underestimated." Archieresponds as he stares back at Lagoon.

They both eventually shake hands on it and Archie gives a devious smile while Lagoon givesoff the same energy under his mask. 

On the flip side. Warlock, Angela and Jaina can be seen sitting at a round table as Loyd isoff in his own world in the distance throwing paper planes. 

"We have a name yet you let him go before we could even get a location on him or at least abase of operations!" Angela says, raising her voice.

"Yeah we got as much as nothing from that whole ordeal yet you talk about wanting to take itinto your own hands?!" Jaina says, backing Angela up in this discussion.

"Someone willing to hire an assassin on a friend of supposedly the most powerful andfearsome person in the known cosmos is not someone who would settle. And they wouldalso be extremely cautious so any clues would be picked up or disposed off." Warlock responds in a calm demeanor, holding his fingers together as if he's some top classdetective. 

"How can you be so sure of that?!" Angela continues to press on. 

"Angela for the love of everything in this reality! It was literally your personal family'sassassin who was after her! You know better than anyone else what someone has to gothrough to just get in contact with him. Not just about anyone can do that!" Warlock rebuttalsas his pupils shrink a little. 

Both Angela and Jaina falls into silence as they realize the situation they're in. 

"However we seem to be in some luck since we're clearly their targets or some of us atleast." Warlock continues and stands up to go outside

"Angela meet me at the spot we used to go to back when we first met. Take Jaina and Loydwith you if you want." He says as he finally leaves. 

"Hey I'm not their mom what the!? Ugh whatever, hate that numbskull at times I swear!"Angela spits out in frustration. 

"Yet you can't get enough of him huh?" Jaina says with a smug look on her face. 

Angela turns to Jaina with an annoyed look and turns back around. 

"Tch, what would you know about something like that?" Angela responds. 

"Oh please, you're not fooling anyone. Your eyes were practically gleaming as you sawWarlock descend on top of that bounty hunter." Loyd interjected as his paper planes hadcrashed. 

"Alright I got it just shut up already! Let's just go home and get some rest for tomorrow. I'lldrop by the hotel to pick you two up." Angela says begrudgingly as she also walks out of theroom

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