Chapter 12: Cosmical Reset |

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A bright and almost mythological city greets Jaina, Loyd and Warlock as they exit out of theportal to safety. 

"What the hell is this place? It looks like something out of a fantasy book." Jaina commentswhile taking in her surroundings. 

"Oh so everything up until now has been scientifical and realistic to you up until now?"Warlock remarks as he looks to Jaina with a slight hint of irritation. 

"Magic wolf cloak, parasite infected human and deity level cosmical beings was within yourbelievability range but this city isn't?" He continues, staring her down. 

"You're right, I shouldn't be surprised at this point honestly." Jaina contorts as she thinksabout her situation even more.

"WARLOCK YOU HAVE THE GAL TO SHOW YOUR FACE HERE AFTER WHAT JUSTHAPPENED!!" A loud female voice can be heard behind Warlock, he slightly flinches simplyhearing the voice. 

"Nice to meet you too Angela.. it was either this place or death and I tend to prefer living."Warlock replies to the shouting voice. 

"Wow, look at you! Just as graceful and wellkept as the last time I met you!" He continues,scrounging for any possible compliment able to save him in this situation. 

"Save your flattery, the High Celestials want to have a talk with you due to recent eventstranspiring." Angela cuts him off and points him towards a huge golden Palace in the skylocated on floating islands with beautiful waterfalls as well as mountains on it. 

"NOW!" She roars at him signaling to him it's his last warning

"Alright sheesh... I'm on my way." Warlock sighs and starts walking towards the palace. 

"You two will come with me, after all you're fugitives now and have nowhere to really go."Angel says softly to Loyd and Jaina as she escorts them through the city. 

"Wait fugitives? What do you mean by that?" Loyd says in a confused tone as his homedimension was eradicated a long time ago. 

"Well in short, your entire Omniverse was obliterated and turned into a Cosmical Vortex bywhat we have deemed a Cosmic Titan." Angel explains with a pained look in her eyes. 

"Omniverse? You sure you don't mean just our universe?" Jaina questions, confused bywhat Angela has just told her. 

"An Omniverse is where an infinite amount of multiverses is located, each multiverseobviously hosting infinite amounts of Universe's within them as well." Angela explains furthertrying to make it as easy as possible for Jaina and Loyd to understand. 

"In other words, a genocide on an incomprehensible scale.." Jaina says as the reality of hersituation settles in. 

"I'm really sorry for your loss, I can only imagine what you're feeling right now." Angelaremarks as she looks up to the sky. 

Meanwhile in the Palace, Warlock is being escorted to the council room for the HighCelestials by golden guards each holding a Celestial spear. 

As the door opens he gets teleported into a seat as 3 beings with indescribable forms can beseen in front of him.

"Well it's good to see you again, Warlock! Been a while since you came by to visit!" One ofthem says with a cheerful tone, happy to see Warlock. 

"Yeah I wish we could've met under better circumstances Khalith.." Warlock responds as henervously scratch the back of his head. 

"Enough of the chit chat, let's get down to business at hand." Says the one in the middle seatof the council podium. 

Tales of the Forgotten: Cosmical ResetWhere stories live. Discover now