Chapter 13: A Mysterious Past |

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"You summoned me and although I have a feeling I know why do you mind enlightening meManta?" Warlock starts, a little apprehensive. 

"As you are well aware, an entire omniverse recently has been completely obliterated andengulfed by a Cosmic Vortex." Manta starts, while looking at Warlock for any hints in hisbody language. 

"A Cosmic Vortex that happened to appear after three individuals you seemingly had giventheir own separate vial of enhancer potions yes?" Manta continues as his gaze hardens,awaiting a response

"Your assumption would be correct, however the enhancer potions were of their own planet'sresources as well as simply unlocking their full potential. It doesn't give them completemastery of it instantly." Warlock retorts, expecting Manta and the others to hone in on thissingular point. 

"Furthermore I highly doubt it was their actual intent in creating a Cosmic Vortex, they didn'teven know what it was until they made it!" Warlock continues as he slams his hand on thetable in front of him.

"Warlock, surely you knew the dangers of unlocking those specific individuals' potential couldcause no?" The third Celestial by the name of Chorath responds to Warlock's defense. 

"Of course I knew, doesn't change the fact it was an order from the high council themselvesand that if they didn't end up creating the Vortex to begin with, you guys wouldn't have caredin the slightest." Warlock argues, with a frown on his face, clearly being bitter about thewhole thing. 

A sudden silence falls upon the room as Warlock makes his statement. As they all knowwhat he says to be true, just like everyone else he was simply fulfilling his role in it all. Thedestruction of an Omniverse was simply an unfortunate byproduct of it all.

Meanwhile in the city Angela had finally escorted Loyd and Jaina to the dormitory District oftown. Or the refuge sector for a lack of better words. 

"By the way Angela, what will happen to Warlock? Will he.. be okay in there by himself?"Jaina asks with a slight tone of concern in her voice. 

"Oh yeah he'll be okay, they can't do anything to him other than scolding him. AlthoughWarlock might be scared of the High Celestials, they are ten times more scared of him."Angela reassures Jaina with a big smile on her face.

"Wait, why is that?" Loyd asks, looking confused as ever as if he had just woken up from anap. 

"Oh well, Warlock was blessed with the Acorium Catalyst. An Acorium Catalyst user is bornonce every 500 million years. Every single barer of it has either died in war for cosmicalbalance or ascended to a higher level of being." Angela responds, sweating a little as sheexplains everything. 

"How does one ascend though, and how are they even selected for this task?" Loydcontinues, genuinely interested and oddly intelligent for being Loyd. 

"You are born with it and it seems to be random, although most of them came from the 100thdimension, where the Primordial extinction took place." Angel says as she makes a thinkingpose, scratching her chin. 

"They also have the potential to awaken their inner strengths and abilities twice in theirlifetime which is how they ascend to what others consider godhood." She continues,scratching the back of her head trying to make sense of it all. 

"Really? So the Acorium Catalyst seemingly favors primordial energy then." Jainacomments, slowly taking in all the information given to her. 

"That seems to be the case but it clearly isn't the defining factor since other people fromother dimensions have gotten it before. The reason the high celestials are scared of himthough isn't because he simply has the Catalyst however." Angela starts, abandoning allreason to try and understand it all. 

"But rather it's because of the sheer ability and talent he has without having awakened asingle time. All Acorium users before him weren't even half as strong as him combinedbefore their first awakening." Angela continues as she gives a devious grin as she continuesto hype up Warlock. 

"Wait really? He's that powerful?" Loyd says with a hint of skepticism. 

"Yeah, before the omniverse you guys found yourselves in was blown to pieces, with rawability and power output he was in the top 10 strongest beings overall, being able to go toeto toe with the third ranking person, being myself with moderate difficulty." Angela commentswaving her pointer finger in the air.

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