Chapter 25: Precursor |

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Loyd hastily wakes up as he hears a loud baking on his door. He slowly puts on someclothes and opens the door. 

"What took you so long, you slouse? Come on now, Warlock is waiting." Angela says,looking Loyd up and down with anger. 

Behind her Jaina can be seen yawning as she's rubbing her eyes. 

They walk to the back alley of a certain store not so far from the hotel. As Angela opened thedoor, only something that could be described as a wonderland was visible inside. 

"What the hell?" Loyd can't believe his eyes. This whole time a whole world was just tuckedaway in some alley? 

"I see you've finally arrived. And you decided to take the ruffians with you as well." Warlockgrins as he sees Angela dragging her feet along to what looks like a meeting table. 

"They are more likely to be targets than you and me since Striker was after Jaina, not you orme." Angela comments, not paying any mind to Warlock's teasing. 

"Fair point, in that case let's get to business." Warlock says as he gets up out of his chair andwalks towards Jaina and Loyd. 


Lagoon and Archie has managed to create the feather of truth and changed the landscape ofthe Kumiho Domain into a giant base, not to mention some heavy artillery to protect it. 

"Right so we've got the base and general defenses down, so what's next on the agenda?"Archie asks as he leans on a railing on top of the main tower of the base.

"We will need help to carry out our orders as well as causing Chaos throughout the variousomniverses." Lagoon starts as he looks up from a holo-pad. 

"Luckily I have already fixed that problem for us. At least partly." Lagoon continues as a biggrin appears on his face and he opens up an arena below them with a click on his pad. 

A shadow with pure white eyes can be seen and large fangs to teeth. 

"The beast in front of you I call a Paleoid. They're able to be modified genetically to fitwhatever role they are needed for and are highly durable." Lagoon explains as he taps inanother combination that opens the door in front of the Paleoid. 

"Who is that exactly?" Archie asks as he waits in anticipation. 

"That's a paragon, a being representing the very concept of reality for their multiverse.However this Paragon is of a way higher grade. It's on a multidimensional scale meaning itcould eradicated a calculated 25% of its Omniverse if it were to focus its energy." Lagoonexplains as he releases its chuckles and activates the forcefield above the Paragon andPaleoid. 

The Paleoid quickly notices the Paragon and starts running after it. With its claws to hands itslices the Paragon over and over, eventually within a minute or so the Paragon is on itsknees not able to even stand anymore. The Paleoid continues by ripping of each and everylimb as it feasts on it. 

"And that my dear friend. Is the grunts of our army, there is nothing that they won't tearthemselves through if they can." Lagoon proclaims triumphantly while Archie looks inabsolute shock and horror at the scene that had transpired before him. 

To Be Continued....

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