Chapter 2: Power of the Honored |

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As the smoke starts disappearing the crown glows a bright spectrum of colors alternatingbetween each other.Eventually it calms down and only persists a slight glow, each shard varying in color.As it returns to somewhat normal behavior, Warpner finally understands his role in all of thisand a faint smile on his face can be seen. 

"I expect the two of you to know your place in this kingdom and do everything as I say."Blackout announces with an all high and mighty voice. 

Both Whiteout and Warpner nod in agreement. 

"And you Whiteout, I hereby pronounce you as my right hand, stand up and take your placebeside me. You Warpner, stand behind the throne on the other side." Blackout commands asa big grin starts to form on his face.

A couple days pass by of Blackout enforcing his authority over the entire kingdom. Warpnerand Whiteout acting as his mobile enforcers and arbiters with the elite guards following themaround just for a more imposing presence. In truth they were of no help to Whiteout andWarpner for their skills and capabilities paled in comparison. 

One day they were summoned to the throne room to discuss further actions to reinforce theempire's authority and possibly expand. When suddenly a portal opens in the middle of theroom. 

"Why hello there gentlemen." Says a Slender but rather well dressed figure. 

"Whiteout, Warpner stand ready. If he does anything drastic don't hesitate to put his head ona pole!" Blackout said in a threatening tone pointing at the uninvited guest. 

"With pleasure your highness" Whiteout comments with a big smile on his face with a twitchyeye.

"Well that's no way to greet a guest don't you think your highness? Perhaps you should thinkabout using a more welcoming tone." The mysterious figure replied with a mischievous lookin his eye. 

"Quit jabbering and state your name and purpose asshole!" Blackout lashes out in irritation. 

"Fine, my name is Warlock and I am here on intergalactic business I guess you could say."Warlock responds as he bows slightly. 

Business with who exactly..?" Blackout asked with a suspicious look. 

"Why you of course! Oh king of the Outlands!" Warlock chirped while looking at Blackout withan intense glare. 

"I'll just give it straight to you, your highness, the ancient ones aren't exactly happy withwhat's happening here in your little kingdom and they're recruiting help from other.. worlds soto speak to take you down." Warlock lays out for the twisted King to understand.

"What good is this information if we have no means to stop it?" Blackout exclaims as hecrosses his arms in confusion as to what Warlocks point is. 

"We could make preparations knowing this information" Whiteout comments with a beamingface. 

"What possible preparations could we do against a threat we know nothing about?" Warpnerreplies with an almost disappointed look on his face.

"Well if my calculations are correct, which they often are, you guys shouldn't have aproblem." Warlock starts off with a rather uninterested tone in his voice.

"That is if you know what to expect." Warlock continues as a big grin starts to form on hisface. 

The room falls quiet, the atmosphere is heavy, this isn't an issue you can do half arsed orignore for that matter. It is a matter of life and death on a worldly scale. 

"Of course, I could tell you exactly what you're up against, for a slight favor." Warlock says,breaking the silence with everyone intrigued. 

"What might that favor be exactly?" Warpner questions Warlock as he's not quite sure whatto make of him yet. 

"Oh just that you help me out in my endeavors as long as I'm in your kingdom, help me helpyou kinda deal." Warlock says, placing his hand on his chest as if to show a sign of respect.

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