Chapter 17: Control Point |

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Angela walks through the halls of the Celestial Palace. She wonders where exactly Warlockhas gone since he brought Jaina and Loyd to the Celestial realm. Or perhaps the HighCelestials finally managed to find a reason to lock him up. 

She quickly shakes all these feelings off, or at least tries to as she enters the grand Hall forher debriefing. 

"I have arrived as you requested, magistrate. Of what service can I be to you?" She asks asshe bows down to the council.

"Very well, rise Angela, for we have a very important task for you." Manta starts, placing hishand on his cheek as if to show superiority. 

"We have determined that Warlock is not safe to be left unsupervised. So we have decidedto assign you to him as his Overseer until we can be sure he's safe to let loose." Mantacontinues as he shifts his eyes down towards Angela. 

"Can we trust you with that assignment Grand general?" He says, concluding his thoughts. 

"With all due respect, your magistrate, I'm no general anymore.. but yes I can overlookWarlock's activity. As long as you can provide his location." Angela replies, being kind ofexcited deep down since she was worried about Warlock regardless.

"Consider it done." Manta says as he shoots a beam of light on Angela's forehead, giving hersort of a mental GPS to Warlock's concurrent location at all times. 

A couple hours go by and Warlock has decided to make use of his free time with somethinga bit outlandish. 

He decides to visit the Cosmical Vortex created by Warpner and his brothers atomical fusion.After all this IS a rare phenomena. 

As he arrives he can feel the intense gravitational pull of the Omniversal sized Vortex as hesees a Cosmic Titan about half its size hovering over it. 

"Well well well look at you three! How far you have come aye?" Warlock says, trying to starta conversation.

"So what is the deal now? Do you all reside in there, fighting for control or?" He continues ashe's curious about how this fusion works exactly. 

"Warlock, arbiter of Orion. Embodiment of unpredictability. You are looking at it the wrongway, we are not individuals but pieces of the same being. And now we are whole, thanks toyour shenanigans." The Titan responds as his voice echoes throughout the cosmos. 

"Oh, is that so? So what are you actually called now then?" Warlock asks out of curiosity. 

"My name is Typhoon. Keeper of the 10th high realm. But you probably figured out as muchbeing from the 10th High realm yourself." Typhoon responds as he looks deeper intoWarlock's eyes. 

"How did you-" Warlock says, Stunned and left absolutley speechless. 

"I consumed the entirety of the very Omniverse you were born in Warlock. The knowledge ofeverything and everyone whoever lived here has been transferred to me in one sense oranother." Typhoon comments as he swirls a Cosmic cloud around out of boredom. 

Warlock goes higher up to Typhoons eye, barely being a speck of dust in comparison to oneof the stars in Typhoons eye. 

"Huh, that makes sense.. so that means you know about.." Before Warlock can finish,Typhoon interrupts him. 

"I know all there is to know about your homeland as well as your childhood Warlock. Thatanswer alone should suffice for what you're wondering." Typhoon seems a bit burdened byWarlock's questioning and puts a stop to it before it derails. 

"Alright, whatever. I didn't come here to talk to you about my childhood. But rather I came totell you that the High Celestials wanted me to come here and kill you. However I refused,that said I still want to go for a sparring match, see where you're at!" Warlock longwindedlyexplains as he cracks his knuckles readying himself for a fight. 

"I like your style Warlock, I'll humor you just this once." Typhoon answers amusingly as heshrinks down to a proportional size to Warlock. 

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