Chapter 16: Unexpected Meeting |

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"Oh shit, my fault. I didn't know.." Loyd says with a guilty look in his face. 

He shakes his head as he looks at Jaina in confusion. 

"Why are you crying for? Did I say something wrong?" He asks, absolutely bewildered.

"Unbelievable.. forget it I can't be bothered to deal with this right now.." Jaina responds asshe makes her way to her room. 

"Women.." Loyd thinks to himself as he starts making his way to his own room. 

While walking up the stairs, a man in what seems to be an old plague doctor mask passesby. Loyd's eyes darken and his parasite takes initiative, grabbing the doctor's hand.

"I recognize you.. You're the one who experimented on me are you not?" He asks themasked doctor. 

The doctor chuckles as he's been found out. What unlikely circumstances! 

"What are you laughing to yourself for, old man? I've been searching for you all this time toget answers yet you have the audacity to laugh in my face?" 'Loyd' says as his eyes narrowin anger. 

"Ahhh my apologies, is that why you swallowed the entirety of our dimension as well?" Thedoctor remarks with a snarky comment. 

"However, do tell me what sort of questions you've been DYING to ask me child." Hecontinues as he looks straight ahead at Loyd, unflinchingly. 

"Why, what was the purpose behind everything, and why ME specifically?" Loyd asks, as hefinally got given the chance after so many years.

"Right, are you asking why YOU or why HIM? Cause I know the two of you are separatethough you've made him believe you're one of the same." The doctor responds, tilting hishead in curiosity. 

"Just answer the damn question before I rip your head off your neck." Loyd says impatiently,gripping the doctor's neck tightly

"Heh, I don't know, what would you have done if you discovered an unknown substance onyour planet? Just leave it be or actually try and figure out what it can do and utilize it in yourfavor?" The doctor says menacingly as a slight glimmer of his eye can be seen through theglass. 

Loyd stands still contemplating what he just heard, although it made sense there was noneed to give children these parasites. It would only make it harder to control if gone rogue.But also supposedly easier to kill if said thing happened. 

Eventually their debacle gets broken up by one of the janitors making their way through thecomplex. 

"Can ye two go outside if yer gonna scrap instead of causing trouble in here?" He says as hecomes up with his cleaner cart opening one of the rooms. 

Loyd lets go of the doctor's neck and continues up into his room as he tells the doc "Thisisn't over" as he opens the door. 

Meanwhile Warlock finds himself in the Sea of madness, where all nightmares and negativeemotions find themselves. It's like an anti-zone of the dream realm where all logic is fallible.

"Now.. if I were to find my way to the conduit of chaos what would be the first step..."Warlock says out loud, pondering how to go about his mission this time. Usually the Conduitof Chaos is not to be taken away from its own realm due to its primordial nature, howeverOrion did say he had use of it for a greater future. 

So clearly it must be a good reason if he wants to get his hands on it for that reason. 

"Perhaps it would be best going about it in the least rational way. After all this IS the Conduitof Chaos I'm after." Warlock continues, he takes his job seriously. Almost too seriously attimes. 

He thinks about the Conduit of Balance and a path leading to it. Before him a pathmaterializes, having multiple doors in front of him. He waves his hand around opening all 5at once and looks through each of them. 

"Hmm seems the 2nd one is the way to go." He thinks and walks through.

Once he walks through he finds himself in a room where in the middle a floating cube withrings floating around it sits. There seems to also be some half rings fading in and out ofexistence.

"Huh, that was easy. Almost feel like it was too easy.." He mutters out loud. His suspicionturns out correct as a chaos entity takes form behind him. 

"Well shit" Warlock says as he gets punched in the face flying into the side of the room. 

"Damn you hit hard for being incorporeal.. but now it's my turn!" Warlock continues as heforms an energy ball with his fingers, firing it at the entity. It leaves a gaping hole in the beastbut it quickly grows back. 

"Why you stupid overgrown shadow you- fine guess we'll have to do this the hard way then."As he says that his eyes start glowing and he imbues his hands with what seems to be manaas he sprints towards the entity. 

Landing punch after punch weakening it slowly but surely. When it starts retreating, Warlockteleports in front of it, grabbing its head and consuming all its energy, finally defeating it.

"For being a glorified shadow you fought well big guy!" Warlock comments as he grabs theConduit of Chaos while the energy from the entity dissipates. 

Tales of the Forgotten: Cosmical ResetWhere stories live. Discover now