Chapter 15: The 10 High Realms |

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Jaina and Loyd part ways with Angela as they reach the check in for the dormitories, as theylook around while getting through the process Loyd spots a sign saying "The Grand Hotel ofthe 10 High realms."

"Hey um, not that it's my place to judge but that sign sounds stupid. Why is it so long for, noone's gonna want to read all that." Loyd complains after his small brain had already read thewhole thing. 

"That is because the 10 high realms are home to only the smartest of beings, meaninglength isn't a concern for them." The receptionist replies as she continues sorting thepaperwork for Jaina's dorm room. 

"Are you implying I'm dumb? Eh? Eh? I find that very offensive personally!" Loyd protests ashe feels his intelligence is being unfairly questioned. 

"By no account am I questioning your intellect sir, I'm just saying most beings of the 10 highrealms don't find the name to be a bother." The receptionist comments with a smile on herface to lighten the mood. 

"Uhuh if you say so, what are these 10 high realms anyway?" Loyd asks as he's never reallyheard of the high realms before. 

"They are planes of a higher sense of living you could say, this very place being a part of oneof them, specifically the 5th one." As she says that the receptionist starts to focus in onLoyd's paperwork at hand. 

"However most of them aren't as pleasant as this realm for they are at war whether it beinternal conflict or at odds with each other." She continues as her face darkens a bit. 

"I see, I apologize for my friend's behavior if he made you feel uncomfortable in any way butwe appreciate your help regardless!" Jaina intersects as she sees Loyd's paperwork hadbeen taken care off.

As they were walking down the corridor to their separate rooms Jaina can be seen clearlyagitated at Loyd. 

"Did you even TRY to think before you spoke knucklehead?" She scolds him having hadenough of his antics. 

"It was clear it wasn't a subject she wasn't comfortable talking about yet you kept naggingher about it as if nothing was wrong!" She continued as her face was getting more and morered from anger. 

"What, how was I supposed to know? There was nothing to tell me she was uncomfortablewith it all!" Loyd protests as he's had enough of women thinking he just automatically knowswhat they're on about.

"Things aren't as obvious as you make them out to be you entitled brat!" He roars as a finalmessage of sorts. 

"You're calling me entitled after having fled from my own government hunting me down fordecades?!" Jaina retorts as Loyd is simply being unreasonable right now.

"All you did to escape your nightmares and responsibilities was to eat up your entiredimension! What do YOU know about entitlement!?" She continues, visible tears swelling upfrom her eyes as she speaks to Loyd. 

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