chapter two

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"So they conjured up a plan to meet late at night
They told not a soul, kept the whole thing tight
Now, her mother's wedding dress fit like a glove
You don't need much when you're really in love
Except for a few things, or some told
Like the family jewels and a satchel of gold
Then next to the graveyard by the old oak tree
On a dark foggy night at a quarter to three
She was ready to go, but where was he?
And then?
She waited
And then?
There in the shadows, was it her man?
And then?
Her little heart beat so loud.
And then?
And then baby, everything went black."

You must warn her!
Oh you must!


The sun shone through the drapes, waking me up with its brilliance. I discovered myself slouching over my desk. I stayed up all night drawing the butterfly. I had another strange dream... Who should be warned? What are my dreams telling me? All of this made no sense.

"Morgen! Brekkie!" The servants called out. I'm in desperate need of a bath. As I undressed into a robe, I requested the butler to start a bath for me. I jumped into the warm water-filled wooden tub, leaned back, and covered my eyes with a warm towel. Miss. Emily sprang to mind. Her wavy ash brown hair fell beyond her shoulders, she had a tiny frame, and she was almost as tall as me. I can't get her smile out of my head. I took the towel off my eyes and leaned over the tub, contemplating.Her voice is soothing, her expressions are soft, and her lips are...pretty, as if I might kiss them. It took me a while to realize what I was thinking. This is not how I should be thinking! In a year's time, I'll be married. I massaged my brow in exasperation, wondering why I was so taken by Emily. I've never met her! I exited the tub and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.
"Ah Victor, we ought to get to meet the Everglots to rehearse your vows! Hurry on!" According to my mother, a burst of nerves shot through my body. I'm afraid to meet them, especially because I'm not sure how I'll react to their daughter.

We came to a halt in front of the Everglots' home. When we arrived, there was almost nothing in the house—looking around, I noticed a piano. I hesitated before entering the Everglots music room because the door was ajar. And it was then that I met Victoria. She had overheard me playing the piano—my heart skipped a beat as I took in the scene of her. She appeared as if she were in a painting. I struggled to find the right words, but Victoria seemed to anticipate what I would say. We felt like we knew one other; we spoke briefly until her mother overheard us and chastised us.

My inability to recall any of my vows caused the rehearsal to go sour.  Everything wasn't going to plan and I... couldn't get it right. I somehow managed to set Mrs.Everglots's dress on fire and everything went terribly wrong. I dashed out of the home. I found myself walking through the town, I wasn't paying any attention and bumped into someone which caused them to tumble to the ground.
"Do forgive me!"I shouted, reaching out my hand to them; they were wearing a scarf over their heads as they looked up at my gaze. She smiled and took my hand, and I assisted her in standing up as she brushed the dirt off her coat. My face reddened and my heartbeat skipped a beat at that moment. Why is my body reacting in this manner?
"Nonsense! I apologize for not watching where I was walking." She chuckles as she speaks. Her beauty made me blush, and the way she laughed made me feel warm and giddy. I scratched my neck.
"My name is Victor Van Dort, you must be.."
"Emily Merrimack." While looking at her stunningly long and curled eyelashes, she made a tiny court bow.
"Miss. Merrimack, what brings you out here into town?" I asked her, completely unaware of the fact that I never feel anxious around her; rather, it seems as though my body unwinds whenever she is around.
"Building my socials. What about you?"She responded. She's not with her woman this time, she's alone, I noted.
"Looking for brushes for my painting."I lied, we strolled down to the farmer's market. Emily was incredibly understanding and patient, stopping at one point to buy some fruits. I received a handful of berries from her.
"It tastes wonderful! Victor, you ought to try some." Emily cheerfully says. My taste senses erupted with flavor as soon as I bit into the berry. She was correct! It was splendid!
"You are right! It is amazing." As I popped the berries into my mouth, I told her.
"They're very tasty when fresh." She informs me. She appears to have schooled herself on what tastes good and what does not. My heart was beating at a million miles per hour. We strolled through the market, sampling various fruits and vegetables. She assisted me in locating brushes. I had a good time with her. Emily gave me the impression that I could be myself around her.
"Emily!" We both turned around when someone yelled for her, and my stomach sank. This feeling bothers me, and I don't want it to persist.
"Lord Barkis!" He approaches us, and Emily exclaimed as she bowed to him. When she caught his glance, her eyes lit up with adoration.
"Who is this?" Barkis looked down at me, making me feel small even though I was taller than him.
"He's a good friend of mine. His name is Victor." Emily tells him, her eyes twinkling with love as she looks at him.
"Well hello.. Victor." Barkis remarks while sporting a disgusted expression.
"Looks like a pillock" He mumbled. Even though it had no significance to him, I straightened my tie and stood erect because I couldn't bear to be called such vile name.
"Hello Lord Barkis."I made a modest bow to him, and he scoffed.
"Emmie, shall we go?" At Emily, Barkis grinned. She nods her head, and as they turned the other way, Barkis gave me a harsh look. He almost seemed to be warning me. I was alone at the market, so I sighed and went home.

I entered the home softly to avoid my mother reprimanding me. At this moment, I don't want to hear her voice. My mother yelled my name as soon as I shut my door. To keep my mother from entering, I rolled my eyes and shoved my dresser in front of the door. I have a mental headache from today. I got into bed and went to sleep.


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