chapter twenty one; part 2⚠️

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Once I arrived at Edith's residence, I quickly rang the doorbell and Edith came to greet me. I followed her up to her balcony where Alice was waiting. I greeted Alice and took my seat. Alice was talking about the arrangements of her wedding and suddenly went into the topic about coitus.

"I had to take Everett right there and he questioned me, 'Right now?' We had to sneak away in the broom closet and did it in there." Alice reached for her teacup.

"Has Everett been rough with you?" I suddenly asked.

"Oh, plenty of times because I like it. However, with other suitors--The forncations would get boring and the suitors don't really know what they're doing most of the times so I usually count." Alice sipped on her tea.


"Yes, counting their thrusts to finish. For the next time, 5 thrusts and it's done." I nodded my head. Counting... It'll make time go fast. I was trying to remember how many thrusts Barkis did to satisfy himself--Wait! What am I thinking?? He left you after you gave him your virtue! Bloody hell Emily!

"Oh! Edith told me about Lord Barkis. Are you still in courtmanship with him?"

"Me? Oh, no. After he--" I paused, they don't know I was talking to him nor him hurting me. "After their disagreement, I vowed to stay loyal to my friend. One shall not disrespect my good friend." I lied. Alice smirked and tapped my knee.

"Good for you, love! Show your pride." She smiles at me in which I returned a smile back. When did I become a liar? Oh Emily...


I had forgotten my hand bag at the cabin so I went to retrieve it. When I got there, Barkis was there. He was sitting on the steps weeping. His eyes caught mine and I averted my eyes away.

"Emily? You're back!" He shouted running up to me. He picked me up and brought me inside of the cabin. I was confused. What is with him?

"Oh my love, forgive me what I said and did. I.. I re-thought my words and I vow to stay true to you." His breath reeked like alcohol. It was obvious he's been drinking. Barkis sat me down on the bed and he went onto his knees.

"My head has been hurting and I took some opium which caused me to do those terrible acts. Please forgive me Emmie." He pleaded, laying his big head on my lap. I cringed at the name. I didn't know what to do. Is he lying? I can't tell what's true or not. Suddenly, he kissed me. I pushed him away.

"I... I don't want too." I tell him then Barkis's eyes filled with tears.

"Forgive me!" Barkis shoved his head onto my lap and holding me tightly. He started sobbing into my lap. I feel relieved but at the same time, will Barkis change?

"Then promise me... You mustn't hurt me anymore." I say, slowly stroking his hair. He lift his head towards me and nodded. I leaned in for a kiss and this time, Barkis was soft and gentle as he was before. His hands held my jaw and laid me down on the bed. His hand trailed down to my chest but I stopped him. Withdrawing the kiss and sat up from the bed.

"Mother and father are expecting me home soon. I must take my leave." And just like that, Barkis's expression switched like a light. He grabbed my arm and threw me onto the bed, removing my clothing. I fought against him but to no avail, Barkis managed to overpower me. And it kept being this way for a couple days, where he would get drunk and ask for forgiveness then take advantage of me. I started counting. 38 thrusts for every 4 rounds.


Victor's POV:

I haven't seen Victoria since that night. I refused to meet with her, I've been forcing myself to learn my father's business. No matter how much I despise it, it was better being away from her. The Wilsons and the ladies are having a meeting at the cabin and the brothers wanted me to join them. I wasn't going to go but Everett said that Emily will be there. I wanted to talk to her about what happened to her and if she's alright. I told my folks that I was tuning into bed but snuck out through my balcony. As I was making my way to the cabin, I spotted a familiar cloak from afar.

"Emily?" I called out. She turned and her eyes softened.

"Oh, Victor." I walked up next to her and we started making our way to the cabin. Between us, it was silent. It was good silence where I felt comfort with her. We arrived at the cabin, as the door opens to reveal our friends drinking. Emily went to go hug her ladies but this time, she didn't with the Wilson brothers. My heart ached for me. I wonder if she'll ever feel safe with men again. I greeted everyone and sat down by the fire to warm up. Emily follows and sat down next to me, I watched her curl her hair behind her ear. She was noticeably shivering, I took off my frock and wrapped it around her. Emily looked up shocked.

"Aren't you cold?" She asked worriedly.

"You're shivering." I answered giving her a small smile, her lips curved upwards and snuggled into my frock.

"Victor! Emily! Join us!" Alice shouted. Emily and I turned to look at them, beckoning us over. Emily quickly gets up and walks over to them. I watched Alice hand her a cup of ale. Confused as I continued to watch Emily drink it. She immediately shook her head in disapproval as the ale was distasteful.

"C'mon Victor!" Everett shouted, I slowly got up and walked over. Eugene hands me a cup and I stared at it. I looked over at Emily who gives me the warmest eyes.

"You don't have to drink it if you don't want too, Victor." She softly says. After the week I had, I certainly need a drink. I quickly down the bitter, bubbly liquid. I immediately gave a disgusted face in which they laughed.


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