chapter sixteen

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It's been a week since I last saw Emily. The image of the blood on her lips would not go from my mind. I noticed she wasn't in the market or strolling around town anymore. As time passed, it became clear that it was time to see Victoria again. As often, my mother was lecturing me about being respectable. I'm dreading having to meet with Victoria. The butler of the Everglots greeted me in and, Victoria was standing with Mrs. Miriam and her mother. I bowed to them briefly to show my respect.

"Long time no see.. Victor." Says Mrs. Everglots. Victoria waved a little in my direction, clearly happy to see me.

"Shall I discuss the rules?" Mrs. Everglots sent me a cold stare. Yes, I would much rather be home than here. Mrs. Everglots is someone I do not want to see or hear. It seems very certain to me that she doesn't like me and never will.

"First and formal, you shall not go on walks anymore, you are to stay here where Mrs. Miriam or I are present. Second, you shall not be alone together..." I pretended to listen to Mrs. Everglots as she told her rules.


Mrs. Miriam, Victoria and I were in the garden conservatory(sunroom basically). Mrs. Miriam was watching us, and Victoria was crocheting. I was drinking tea while lounging on a chaise sofa.

"Shall we go in the music room? I can play the piano while you knit." I said, smiling at Victoria, but something about the way she looked told me differently.

"Mother doesn't like music. She said music is noise... You can do your studies here." Victoria picks up her knitting again. This is the last place I want to be. What should I do with the hour I have left with her? I didn't bring anything to keep me busy nor have any plans. I want to smack myself for not being prepared.

"Are you alright if I read a book?" I asked. Victoria's eyes widen.

"You can... read?"

"Doesn't everyone?"

"Father said men who read don't have virility(manliness)."

"Oh.. I've been told it shows intelligent."  Silence fell on Victoria. The idea that I can't read a book because it depicts virility perplexed me. You've got to be joking. I looked across at Mrs. Miriam.

"Am I allowed to read a book Mrs. Miriam?" She hesitated, but when she did, she nodded. There was hardly nothing in the library area when I entered. While I'm here wasting time, I might as well read anything. I decided to read Jane Eyre. Re-entering the sun porch, I took a seat in the chaise where the ladies were. If this is how Victoria and I will be during our marriage, I'm not sure I want to marry her but it would be wrong of me if I don't give Victoria a chance to show herself.


A few weeks have passed. Since I was given permission by Mrs. Everglots to meet with Victoria, I have been going to see her. Victoria and I have simply been doing our own thing as we spend our time together. While I researched and painted, she knitted and read. I would look at the dusty piano every time I went there, yearning to be played. If you're not going to utilize a piano, why get one? Victoria tapped on my shoulder as I was concentrating on my study. She put her finger to her lips and urged me to keep quiet. Next, she gestured to Mrs. Miriam, who was dozing off. Scared, I got up from where I was sitting to see whether she was still alive.

"She is just sleeping. I put valerian in her tea." Victoria lets out a small giggle.


"So you can play the piano." As soon as I understood Victoria's objectives, my body relaxed. She put Mrs. Miriam to sleep just so that I could play the piano. We entered the music room and took a seat next to the piano. I immediately recognized the sound as I began to push the keys. I am unable to locate the source of where it came from. These keys—where did I hear them? I began to hum in time with the piano notes.

"Happiness is a butterfly.." I muttered, and then it hit me! A song by Emily. As I kept playing, I cracked a big smile. After I concluded, I turned to face Victoria after she had listened to my performance.

"That sounded wondrous! Who wrote this song?"

"I... I learned it from a great friend of mine." I sheepishly told her. Grabbing my hand, Victoria pulls me upstairs to her room. She displayed to me her collections of handcrafted items and sculptures created from earthenware.

"These are breathtaking Victoria. How ever did you make these?"

"Oh you know, just a mixture of clay and crushed shells."

"Amazing.." I gazed at her creation. I admired her collections first, then I took a seat in her chaise, with her at my side.

"Can you kiss me?" Her question caught me off guard. I forced a swallow.

"Wouldn't we get in trouble?"

"My folks aren't home." She was not wrong. Her parents trusted Mrs. Miriam to watch us carefully but she is asleep. Possibly.. It should be okay to kiss. Perhaps the butterflies feeling will arrive for sure. Our lips met as we drew in closer. During the kiss, I didn't really feel anything. We ended up kissing for a long time because Victoria needed to break away to gather herself. I looked at her, bewildered.

"I want to give you this before we get ahead of ourselves." Victoria hands me a handkerchief. Stumped, I lifted my eyebrows at her. Why did she give me this? Is there anything on my countenance? Is my breath odorous? What on earth may that be? It must be a sign that I'm her beau... right?

"We ought to return to the sun lounge and bide our time till Mrs. Miriam awakens. I'd hate to be scolded or be banned from ever seeing you again." I apprise Victoria. Back at the sunporch we strolled. Right after Mrs. Miriam regained consciousness and Victoria's parents returned home. I said them farewell when it was time for me to leave. Victoria gives me a kiss on the cheek as she escorts me outside to board my carriage.


I was sitting in the parlor area with my parents. I couldn't understand why in the world Victoria handed me her handkerchief. Father was smoking, while mother was in the kitchen cooking. I entered the kitchen.

"Mother, what does it mean when a lady gives you a handkerchief?" Mother pauses dead in her tracks and turns to look at me.

"It means the lady is ready for coitus! Don't tell me that Victoria had given you one! It would spark gossip and I cannot have that!" Oh... That's what it means.

"N-no! Dear no, Victoria wouldn't do such a thing." I declared as I hid the handkerchief behind me.

"Good. Otherwise, I would have to tell Mrs. Everglots about the scandal and I cannot bare being in their residence."


One and Only (Corpse Bride fanfic; Victor x Emily)Where stories live. Discover now