chapter six

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As Emily flung open the door, I saw her two women and two men. Emily removes her fur coat and approaches her confidantes.
"Hail!! It's Emily Merrimack!" They roared intoxicatedly.
"And who might this be?" One of the men questioned her,  I was standing outside of the door, unsure if I should enter the cabin. Emily beckons me over—I did as I was instructed.
"Friends, this is Victor Van Dort. He's a good friend of mine." I nod in their direction as Emily smiles at me.
"This is Alice and Edith, Edith here has been my right hand lady since birth." Emily introduced me to her ladies, and I recall Edith. She was in the garden with Emily painting. Everyone waved back as I made a timid motion.
"Welcome Victor!" They all shouted, and the two men approached me. Twins, I realized as they drew nearer!
"Fellow mate, you can be improper here." As they lead me away from the women, they inform me. They offer me a cup, and I shake my head.
"Forgive me, I don't drink." I say, they exchanged glances before hitting my shoulder.
"No problem, we don't force." At the same time, both of them spoke. They really are twins.
"Victor, aye?" A twin was checking to make sure the name was correct.
"Yes, what is your surname?"
"I'm Everett and that's my bro, Eugene." On Eugene's shoulder, Everett gave a pat. Even though they appeared to be the same, they each have distinctive qualities of their own. Eugene has a mole under his bottom lip, while Everett has one on his left sideburn. They introduced me to the 'beer pong' game, which was, to put it mildly, fascinating. They handed me water rather than alcohol. It was enjoyable. While waiting on my turn, I overheard the ladies conversing.
"Oh Emily! He's such a good fuck! He made my pussy cum like a waterfall." Emily merely chortled as Alice explained, and they all turned to face Emily.
"What about you? Lady Emily." They teased her.
"What do you mean? What about me?" Emily tried to change the subject, but it's evident that the ladies aren't going to let it go.
"Have you and Barkis fucked yet?" I felt my jaw hang open when Edith abruptly questioned. Emily laughed hesitantly before answering the question.
"Well..." Emily.... had done it? My heart sank immediately. She doesn't appear to be the kind to engage in such defiance.
"We haven't... Fucked. I want to wait for marriage." Emily tells them, they laughed at her.
"Virgin!" The women taunted her in jest. The ladies were giggling as I saw Emily shrink into her shell, and I suddenly found myself addressing them because I was offended by what they were doing.
"There's nothing wrong with that. It's her choice, her body." They stared at me in shock as I addressed them. When I turned to look at Emily, I noticed that her pink cheeks had turned rosy. She hurriedly turned her attention away.
"He is right. It is your choice. Do forgive us." Emily accepted the ladies' apologies, and she was gracious. Emily caught my attention and gave me a quick glance, it appeared as though she was thanking me. I returned the smile and returned to the game.

Time had passed quickly, and Emily's pals had been so inebriated that they passed out. I had to assist Emily in putting them to bed. We were preparing silently when I turned to Emily and saw that she struggled to hold onto her other sleeve. I went in to help. Again, her cheeks began to flush with the same pink hue. I followed her out the door as she took the light. Emily took a minute to take in the moon's brilliant light.
"I had forgotten just how beautiful the moonlight is." I glanced at the moon with her, she says, admiring the scenery.
"Shall I walk you home?" I experienced a strange gut feeling that, despite being unfamiliar to me, seemed familiar.
"If you don't mind." Emily seemed relieved as we began walking towards her house. The dairyman wasn't far away, and as we approached the door, Emily turned to face me. We were so near that I could feel the warmth of her breath on my skin.
"I want to express my gratitude for your help and support." She informs me while avoiding eye contact and glancing at the ground.bringing to memory how her pals were making a fuss.
"That's what any good friend would do." I told her, Emily gave a small giggle.
"You could say so." She responds.
"Are you alright to walk home?"
"I'll get by since the moon is shining so brightly." I reassure her.
"Very well then, goodnight Victor." After giving an affirmative nod, she entered her house.  It was time for me to return home as soon as I heard the door latch. I started to make my way home on foot in the bitter cold. I was in my own head when I heard a clip clop behind me. I looked back and saw the coachman pulling a carriage. The night was becoming a little chilly, so I was pleased to see them.
"Miss. Merrimack requested you get a carriage." The coachman tells me, feeling moved by Emily's admiration.
"Give my deepest regards to her." I said to him. The carriage is warm and cozy as I get inside of it. I leaned against the glass as the coachman yelled at the horse to move on as I thought back on how much fun I had tonight.

Within my warm, cozy, and comfortable bed, I began to move and stretch. As sections of my body gradually wakes up. I leaned forward to check the large black clock. I drew back the curtains to reveal a bright, warm, yet not oppressive sun. The chirping of the birds indicates that today will be a pleasant day. I used a twig that had been coated in salt and charcoal to brush my teeth. I gave my mouth a good rinse with water before spitting into a dish for the maids to discard. Mother was setting the table when I entered the kitchen.
"Morgen Victor." As I sat down at the table, she spoke to me.
"Morgen mother, where are the servants?" I questioned as mother place down a plate of toast.
"Gathering supplies for our monthly perishables." She replies, suddenly father entered with a dead rabbit. I feel queasy as soon as he places it on the table.
"Victor, Mrs.Everglots agreed to arrange engagements with Victoria. Prior to getting wed, you ought to know one another." Mother informs me. Finally, I can get to know Victoria.


I had to edit this chapter on my laptop and let me tell you guys, I've never want to break a laptop in my entire life! Every time I had to fix something in the story, it would make more indents.. cause wtf. I think I'm just going to post my unedit chapters because editing each chapters takes a bit. Would you guys be okay with that?

One and Only (Corpse Bride fanfic; Victor x Emily)Where stories live. Discover now