chapter fourteen; part 2⚠️

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We got at the villa of my father's distant relative. My parents were pleased with the gown Genevieve selected for me. Mom said that although my dress is proper, it has a subtly subservient feel to it. When we first entered, the commotion startled us. Individuals were smoking, drinking, and falling down. I raised an eyebrow in a dubious manner as I turned to face my parents.

"Ah! The Merrimacks are here!" With a cry, the relative of my father approached him in a drunken waltz. He reached over to shake my father's hand.

"Welcome Arthur and Eleanor! And who's this might be?" My father had to step in between us since his relative was so near to my face.

"Theodore, this is my daughter Emily."

"Oy.. she is the most prettiest thing."

"That is my daughter you speaking of."

"Oh of course. You haven't met my family! Come! Come!" I was left alone as Theodore motioned for my parents to follow him. My eyes searched the room for Barkis. As I was ready to give up trying to find him, Barkis emerged from a room and noticed me. Barkis turned to face me, his eyes darkening.

"What are you wearing?" He says pulling me aside.

"My servant picked this gown for me."

"The gown is practically a chemise(lingerie) and nightwear!" I was shocked at Barkis's comment. I scoffed at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"You should have worn a proper gown."

"Barkis, can we not have a disagreement--" Barkis yanks me into an empty room and I feel the wind knocked out of me with agony in my stomach. I hunched over, my gut clenched.

"You've made me angry. I do not want to see you." Barkis tells me and then he leaves the room. As I sat there, gasping for breath and not trying to cry. Did he just... He promised. What... I don't understand.. Barkis... He punched me in the stomach. Maybe he is right, I shouldn't have worn this gown as it does shows seductiveness. I attempted to hide in the shadows when I heard someone enter, but they called my name.

"Emily?" They gasped as they turned the corner and found me hunched over gripping my abdomen. They sprinted over to examine me closely. When I raised my head and saw Victor. Why him? Of all the people? Why do I run into him every time? Why does Victor always arrive when anything happens?

"What happened? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I lied to him.

"You don't look fine. Are you sure?" Victor helps me to my feet.

"I'm on my... rag. It's slightly... painful." I lied to Victor once more. He appeared to be taken aback.

"Oh.. Do you want tea to help with it?"

"Would you be kind?" Victor leads me to a sette before making his way out of the room. I gave a deep, hefty sigh. The pain in my stomach started to subside, so I went out of the room to find my parents. All that greeted me was an enraged Barkis. He took hold of my wrist and pulled me out into the quiet garden.

"What did I tell you?!"

"My lord! I couldn't just leave without my—I didn't have—" Suddenly, I felt a severe stinging sensation on my cheek, causing me to gasp. Covering the smack mark on my face. I could taste the metal seeping into my mouth. With terror, I turned to face Barkis, who grabbed my neck and choked me.

"If I see you once again. You won't be lucky the third time." Barkis shoved me to the ground where I scraped my hands and my elbow. I was in pure shock. I never had the chance to give my parents the order to go. I really ought not to have angered Barkis so much. All of this is my fault. My eyes begin to well up with tears as I sit on the ground.

"Emily!" As Victor yelled, I hurriedly dried my eyes and got to my feet. Up in the garden, Victor noticed me.

"What are you doing out here? I have your tea in the parlor room." Victor says as he walks towards me.

"It was getting quite hot in there, came out here for fresh air." I hated lying, particularly to Victor. All he is a worried friend. Victor hurried over to check on my injured lip as soon as he noticed it.

"My god! What happened?!" Victor yelled, and I covered my mouth and shrugged my shoulders.

"You need to tell me so I can help you."

"I'm not obligated to tell you. I know you mean well but I need to go home." Victor grabbed my wrist and halted me in my steps as I turned to face him. And with that, he pulls me into a tender embrace.

"It looks like you need a shoulder to cry on, please don't be afraid." I couldn't hold back my tears as I heard his words of comfort. Victor patted my back and listened as I wept against his chest. Victor is a good friend.. He is a very caring person and I should... Oh.. I shouldn't say such a thing. I must be crazy for even thinking like this. Victor is just a friend and nothing else. He is just a shoulder to cry on.


Victor complied with my request when I told him to notify my parents that I wanted to return home. I waited in the carriage for my folks. Before my parents discovered who had injured me, I made an effort to hide my wounds. With a swing of the door, my parents entered. When I noticed Victor standing nearby, I waved him farewell.

"What a celebration."

"It was.. unpleasant to say the least." My father objected. My mother gave him a nudge for his manner.

"Emily, how was your night?" My mom removed her fan from her cloak and used it to fan herself.

"I agree with father. It was.. very detestable." My parents exchanged glances before turning to face me.

"Did something happened?"

"Just... The party wasn't my cup of tea."

"Factual. It was quite boring if you ask me." My father tells me, I laughed along with my father.


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